Chapter 6 : A Stressful Day Off

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4. 10. 2020
16 : 46 P.M.

Ah. Oh god! "Er!" I don't think I can't keep my balance for much longer. I'm definitely going to fall! No you're not. How are you so sure about that? I could ask the same thing to you.

I feel my balance lowering in dexterity and I begin to fall but hold onto the rope tightly with my hands. Ah! They're burning! Shit, I'm gonna fall. I'm gonna fall its a long way down. Ah. Oh wait. I don't take much damage. But still...

3, 2, 1!

I fall down from the rope, thinking this might as well be the end for me until I see something as I look down. Midas jumps up high in the air and catches me in the bridal style, "You're welcome, darling." He says a bit loud and winks.

I hold onto his neck and just glare at him. "Thanks. I guess." I mumble.

We soar into the sky and land on the other side of the rope, he sets me down and bows. "Wait-" I call out for him but he pushes a button on his watch and a bright light comes out making him disappear. Man, what the hell was that?

Oh well. I shrug it off and run into the temple. Kay so I have to find the intel that's in here. Easy. Ooh. What if I place a virus on the tracking device and pretend I didn't find the intel? Oh shit. He's probably watching my every move right now. I can't do that right now, if I do then I'm dead.

Umm. I mean we can give it a try. I search the empty temple for a dim lighted place and when I find one, hide in there and place the chip quickly and carefully.

I run out of the spot, looking confused, and run further down. I try tracking the intel but it just glitches out. "Argh. Why won't this stupid thing work?" I quietly complain.
That same day..
17 : 58 P.M.

"Midas, sorry. The tracking device stopped working and so I couldn't finish the mission."

"That's alright, we'll just have to do better next time." he says and smiles slightly.

Oh shit. Did he not see me? Wasn't I obvious or is he just lying?What do you think Ruby? Why do you keep referring to me as Ruby? You're the "Ruby" after all. But yes, I do believe he's doing this on purpose. He may have already seen right through you.

It's just easier calling you Ruby than, "my other half," so do you actually think he's doing it on purpose? Of course, Midas might have a blind eye but his other golden eye can see through the most concealed. You got a point.

At home
4. 11. 2020
16 : 48 P.M.

I have Drift tucked into my arms as I look through my phone and suddenly the phone rings. "Ah!" He yelps.

I slap his face playfully and sit up to answer the call, "Hello."

"Good morning y/n. It's me Rook, um I just have to say that you can take the day off today. Midas said this is his way to make up for a situation that happened between the two of you. So today you won't be coming to work, have a nice day." She informs and hangs up.

Oh yay! Now I can spend some time with Drift! "What happened?" Drift asks and tugs on my arm.

I reach out to him and peck his nose, "I have the day off! You do too, right?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, it's a Thursday. Looks like we can have some fun today." He says and comes on top of me, licking his lips.

I push him aside, "Ha. We're not doing that, at least not right now." I lick his ear and tantalize him.

"Ah y/n. You can't do this to me!" He complains getting off of me and stretching out his limbs on the bed.

I laugh but then kiss him. How long have we been together? We got together like a month after he broke up with Brite Bomber so...ah 4 months? Oh yeah. 4 months and I couldn't ask for anything more than him. I think smiling at him."We haven't gone out in some time so how about a date at Sweaty Sands? The fair is here." I suggest.

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