Chapter 2 : The First Mission

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3. 26. 2020        Day 3 of working for Ghost
13 : 52 P.M.

~Alrighty. Today's mission is to infiltrate the Shadow base near Sweaty Sands. They have some precious cargo and we're going to take it all down. Meowscles and Goldie you will be on lookout, Hugo you will be hacking the system, TNTina and y/n you will take the cargo. Any questions?" Midas pauses for a second, "I don't here any, do not fail me.~

Midas gives us our positions through our earpieces and we are just about to land at our destination. "Tina, looks like we're going to be partners. Would you teach me your ways as we go?" I ask TNTina sitting next to me to keep a conversation going. She crosses her arms across her chest and pouts a bit.

"Sorry hun, but I got no damn skill. I'm not stealthy at all, I don't get why the fuck Midas assigns me to this position. I'd rather risk it all and blow the place up but no, this involves stealth. I mean like I'm obviously better on lookout and armory. That's the reason I'm always at the rig, cuz I can't do the other shit." I just stare at her not sure of what to say, "Oh- my bad I went a bit overboard didn't I?" She says and I shake my head.

"No, no I'm just thinking of a solution to your problem, maybe you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. You know, this could be great practice, by the way I have a few techniques of my own I could show you." I giggle and she smiles.

"Thanks." She says. Hm... I think I might have a plan for later.

"We're here!" Goldie exclaims as she parks the helicopter right next to Sweaty Sands. We all get out except for the lookout pair. "Good luck guys." Goldie says and waves to us. Meowscles meows a good luck to us too. Then Hugo, TNTina, and I start waking towards the base.

"So we're getting in from the back door right?" I ask my group to be assured. They nod. "Wait a sec, I need to ask the boss something." I warn and we stop.

"Hey boss, you there?" I ask through my earpiece.

~ Who else would be here? Anyways, what do you want? ~

Oh yeah, I forgot this was Midas. "Okay then. Well um I need a clarification. Henchmen are always in their designated areas right?" I hear a hum, "Then how many henchmen are outside?"

~ Three ~

"Alright so I have the perfect plan to get through them." I say and cut the conversation.

"So what's this plan of yours?" Hugo inquires.

I pull out a container from my backpack. "This is a pill that when consumed, can turn you into any living creature you can think of. We'll eat these and turn into henchmen, not only that but I'll show you guys an easy trick that can knock out a person in less than a second."

"Wow, you thought about everything." Tina says astonished.

"Mhm. So you're just going to grab them by the elbow and hold them tightly. Like this." I demonstrate the position on myself.

"Seems easy enough," Hugo huffs. We then start waking towards the base and eat our pills.

I walk with my gun in my hands and go up to one of the henchmen and put them in a choke hold and grab their elbow with much pressure. Within a second he's knocked on the ground.
Good and no noise.

I check on my teammates and they got it pretty handy. We pick up their bodies and hide them inside a bright red phone booth.

"Alrighty." I mutter. Tina and I make sure we still have our disguises on and head into the hut. "Hey. Why are you guys here?" One of the two henchmen inside asks.

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