Chapter 2

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This is chapter 2, if your enjoying I will write more. Please tell me if you have any ideas or things I could fix about this fanfic! Thanks - Madi

As soon as Harry realised what hand he just used to get the bread it was too late, Remus had seen. Remus had seen. Those 3 words went through Harry's head for the next, what felt like hours. In reality it was only minutes.
'Harry?' Remus said softly 'What, what happened?' Remus spoke with a soft tone, nothing in his voice sounded harmful. There was only worry. Harry looked up at him, then down at his food, he did that a bit before responding finally.
'Look, it's nothing, really! Just please don't mention it here.' Harry said softly, he also had worry in his voice, just his worry was that the adults other than Remus would find out about his hand. Remus gave Harry a nod, although his nod spoke with a loud voice that said. 'We will talk later, and you won't be getting out of it' Harry felt nervous, his secret was out, well Hermione and Ron already knew, and now Remus did, which meant Sirius would soon know, then Molly and Arthur, and then every person would know about it! That's the last thing Harry wanted right now. Soon dinner had finished and Harry went up back to the bathroom. He felt the bathroom was the safest place to just be honest with himself and help his scar, which was bleeding again.

It took Harry another 30 minutes to stop his hand from bleeding, or at least reduce it so he could make his way to his bed without looking sus about anything. Harry felt really tired and dizzy, he guessed it was from the constant bleeding and pain from his hand. Hermione had brang some of the potion he was using on his hand but not enough, so he had to be careful with how much he used. Harry got his baggy jumper back on and unlocked the door, he started to walk to his bedroom before he was confronted by Remus, he was expecting it, but hoped he would find his room before finding Remus. Harry just kept walking though, he knew if he stopped it would only be a matter of time before he passed out. Remus followed Harry to his room, from a far but like a hawk, he tried to get Harry's attention every now and then but Harry just ignored him, or maybe he just couldn't hear him? As Harry got into his room he layed down on his bed, got under the covers fully dressed and closed his eyes knowing that if he made his fainting look natural, he wouldn't be questioned. Harry let darkness take him just as Remus entered his ( and Ron's ) room.

Remus didn't know what to do, did Harry just fall unconscious or fall asleep? It was hard to say because he was in bed under the covers, but he was fully dressed and looked like he was in a rush once he ran into Harry. Remus decided to just let Harry be, if he was just tired, he would let Harry rest. But Remus couldn't stop thinking about his hand, every time he tried to stop, the memory came back.
'Harry? What, what happened?'
'It's nothing, really! Just please not mention it here' It was clearly nothing, that's all Remus knew.

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