Chapter 3

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'Harry? Harry! Bloody hell wake up mate' Harry awoke slowly, in front of him was a ginger haired, freaky boy. Harry then realised it was Ron. 'Bloody he'll mate, gave us a scare.'
'Us?' Harry asked sleepily as he tried his best not to fall back asleep.
'Yea mate, Remus found you asleep here at 7pm last night, it's now 2pm in the afternoon!' With that Harry suddenly awoke, he had been asleep for 19 hours!
'I've been out for 19 hours? Your joking' Harry replied, he was shook, for all Harry knew he was unconscious for half of the night from loss of blood.
'Mate! We tried to wake you up lots of times, first Remus tried, then Sirius, then Hermione and then I came in again. Everyone thought you must just be really tired but Hermione and I know there's something more, so, I'm now going to get Hermione and you're going to tell us!' Ron left before Harry could protest. Harry just layed there, he had been 'asleep' for 19 hours, but what if he wasn't asleep, if he wasn't able to be awoken then he must have been unconscious! Harry felt sick knowing that everyone must have been worried, about, him! Especially Hermione, Ron, and now, Remus. Just as Harry was about to get lost in a whole world of his out thoughts, Hermione and Ron came back into his and Ron's room. They demanded Harry tell them what was going on, Harry knew there was no escaping, he denied the first couple of times, but then he just spilled everything. Although, what Harry didn't know, was that Remus and Sirius were secretly behind the door listening to everything, Ron and Hermione didn't even know they were there.

When I tell you Sirius was outraged, that's an understatement. He was about ready to kill that Umbridge woman, along with the whole ministry! Remus on the other hand, was showing not that much worry, his mind was racing on the inside though, but he snapped out of his thoughts when Sirius started to talk to him.
'What, what, MY-'
'SIRIUS SHUT UP, THEY DON'T KNOW WHERE HERE, LET ALONE KNOW THIS' Remus whisper-yelled. Sirius shut his mouth, all he wanted to do was either kill that awful woman who has hurt his godson, or go in that room and give Harry the biggest hug ever, well, then kill everyone in the ministry who let this woman teach.

'Wait, so you're saying that your hand won't stop bleeding?' Ron said, he was shocked, he knew about the detentions but never knew how bad they really were.
'Yeah...' Harry said in an embarrassed voice.
'Harry, I know what voice, there's nothing to be embarrassed about! This is serious and I really think you should tell an adult, a professor or someone in the order!' Hermione said calmly but with worry in her voice, Hermione really cared for Harry and hated these detentions he was getting.
'Now, Hermione knows what she's talking about' Sirius told Remus, Remus nodded just waiting to hear what Harry would say.
' Look, I don't want to worry anyone, this isn't that bad, I've had worse thi-' he stopped, Harry just realised he compared school to when he was 4. Harry had never told anyone about his home life.
'What worse things?' Hermine asked Harry and Sirius asked under his breath at the same time. Remus just nodded again, but this time, he was really scared. Nothing can be worse than having to use a blood quill.
'Nothing, please just forget it, really! I'm fine, it's my fault I'm getting these detentions in the first place' Harry said fast, he really didn't want to talk anymore. ' I'm going to the bathroom' And with that Harry walked off, Sirius and Remus ran away, they ran into Sirius's room. So they didn't get spotted.

Sorry this is a small chapter, and it's not that good either. I will try and update this story more often! Hope your enjoying it tho!

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