Pink x Black 😉

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(Should I start making these longer???) Maybe even more story oriented! Oh wait this is oneshots...

Pink was very fond of Black. Pink saw him scan so he was safe. They both had an idea who the imposter was too. They thought it was yellow. "Look at her Black! She has no idea where to go."

"Usually means there the imposter. Or there a new player who doesn't realize that we have a map." Black had a deep musky voice Pink adored. Pink wished he had a deep voice but his was pitched higher.

"So black? Think we should call an emergency meeting?" I looked at him. "No not quite yet, Pink. If nobody dies in about 3 minutes we can then assume." Black was so smart. He had so much work experience with imposters and such.

"Hey black?" Black sighed heavily and he looks at me. "Yes Pink?" I had a wonderful idea to tell Black. "We should go to cams and observe her movements!"

"This will allow us to observe her from far." Black pondered on the idea for a moment thinking about it. "That sounds good. We even might catch pink venting." I nodded excitingly.

Both of us headed to security room just as we found a body. It was Cyans. Me and Black just stared for a moment. We pulled out the thing that would alert the crewmate's.

A booming voice went on the com's and said a body was reported. All the crewmates maybe even the imposter were gathering in the halls heading to cafe.

"Where?" Said Purple. "In security. Me and Black were heading there." I looked at Black and nodded. Black simply looked away.

"Alright." Pink bit at his fingers. Should he tell them that they sus Yellow? "Hey purp." Black said. Blacks musky voice filling Pinks ears. "Ah yes need to say something black." Black also looked nervous and said.

"Well me and Pink suspected Yellow. I mean she looks like she doesn't know where to go.. As if she doesn't have tasks."

"Hey black are you sure it's yellow?" Like sure sure?" Black looked at Blue and then at Red. "No, I am not sure I am just exclaiming that that's sus." Red looks at Blue and Blue nodded.

"Well I don't quite agree Black." Says Red. "I believe you Black. Just not sure." Black looks at Yellow. "Hey Yellow have anything to say about this?" Yellow nods.

"Well uhh I do agree what I do is sus. You guys can vote me." She looks down very shyly. "Well uhh she is ok with it... Well I'm sorry Yellow.." Purple said. Everyone accept Yellow votes. "Well bye everyone." She smiled and waves goodbye.

They have revealed the votes and Yellow got voted out. Yellow got the boot and got sent out of the ship. Yellow has been ejected.

"Well... The rounds over which means-. Black cut Pink off. Black kissed Pink on the cheek. "Uhhh sorry." Black blushed deeply though Pink couldn't see. Pink blushed stunned at the affection the male beside him showed.

"W-wow black." Pink took off his helmet and pulled on the piece of rubbery clothing on his neck. Black clearly aroused at the movements. "U-uh Pink I need to go to the bathroom."

"Oh um! I'll come with with you..!" Black looked at Pink. "Oh ok..!" Black responded clearly thinking about what Pink would do to him. They both headed to the bathroom.

Black sat on the toilet seat. Pink sat on Black wrapping his legs around black. Both of their eyes looking at eachother passionately. Black leaned in kissing Pink.

Pink didn't let Black in just yet to tease black. Black pulled back begging Pink to give access. Pink simply shrugged pulled Black back into the kiss. Black softly bit Pinks lower lip allowing access to Black.

Pink moaned softly when Blacks tounge lunged into his mouth exploring all kind of places. Pink was no longer dominant in the situation, Black was. Black started exploring under Pinks shirt.

Black started exploring Pinks sweet sweet nipples. Pink moaned in Blacks mouth pushing Black away gasping for breath. Black looked at Pink with lustful eyes ready to pounce. Pink started pulling his shirt of Black doing the same.

"Pink......" Black wispered in Pinks ear. "Y-yes?" Pink answerd. "Get on the ground. When you do there'll be further instructions." Pink did as told and got off of Blacks lap revealing blacks huge cock.

"Get it out and suck now." Pink gulped doing as told. Black moaned leaning his head back gripping onto Pinks hair. He soon took control into pink making him deepthroat.

"Mghmmm~~~!" Pink gagged turning on Black even more. He dragged Pink infront of the sink and mirror. Pink looked into the mirror looking at his lustful face.

"Time to prepare you." Black mumbled in Pinks ear. Pink shivered slightly at Blacks voice. He slipped in one finger making Pink moan. Pink looked into the mirror looking at his face. Soon black slipped 2 fingers in making Pink arch his back and mewl. 

Black chuckled arousing the masochist under him even more. He then slipped his third and fourth finger in. "Wow look at this~!" He stretched out Pinks asshole spreading it out. Black admiring Pinks ass for a long while.

"Well, well. Looky here Pink don't we both know that your ready for my cock?" Pink nodded desperately ready for Black to enter him.

Black laughed. "Alright I won't make you wait then." He whispered into Pinks ear. Pink responded with a mewl. Black thrusted into Pink. Pink set his head onto the sink looking up at his reflection.

He saw the rymthmatic movement black was making. Until black hit his prostate. Pink moaned louder than he thought he ever could. "Oh~? I found your prostate!"

He from then on kept hitting the prostate from then on. "B-black~ I'm going to cummmm~! Pink moaned out. "Same my love same.." They both cummed onto the sink until they heard.

A body has been reported.

They both cleaned themselves up bolting to the cafe table acting as if nothing special has happened.

So boring just to sit in my bed making smut. Now I'm horny ugh it sucks!

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