Chapter 23

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A soft wavering voice blurted out Hirate's name, Hirate felt her heart skipped a beat seeing Neru after a long time. It's like her pain just vanish. Hirate has been keeping an eye on Neru, as creepy as it is she's always stalking the girl to make sure she's safe. It takes all of Hirate's effort not to show herself whenever Neru cries, it takes all of Hirate's effort not to show up whenever Neru's being cold or selfless towards the stranger or herself, she knew that Neru is hurting.

When the news that the General died on the war with his men, Hirate is dying to see Neru to make sure she's okay, even if it cost her her life.

But Hirate can't see Neru just yet, not with her condition. She's still healing both mentally and physically. After 6 months, her broken bones manage to heal thanks to Risa and Shida's close friend Yonetani who happens to be the Empress' clinic doctor. Yone was so shock seeing Hirate's condition, she has a 50/50 chance of surviving. If Yone is stubborn just to keep Hirate alive, so was Hirate.

She didn't give up.

Hirate, Risa and Shida leave the Nagahama Empire in fear that the people of the General will find Hirate alive. Coincidentally, Yonetani is from the different Empire, she offered to let the trio stay in her home althoughout Hirate's healing.

Hirate still has broken leg, she didn't even want to show up just yet but seeing the vulnerable Neru in front of her, attempting to take her life away Hirate knew that she need to show up. Neru is hurting, she's in pain, she's empty, and is longing for her not knowing that she's still alive.

"Neru, I miss you. I'm sorry it took too long." Hirate softly said as she took the cloak off to show Neru that she's real, the bright moon lights Hirate's face. She's wearing the cloak everywhere she goes, afraid that someone will know her and continue what needs to be done.

"Yurina?" Neru called out, still dumbfounded that Hirate is here and alive.

Hirate is alive.

"I'm here." Hirate said as she took Neru's hand gently and put it on her face to confirm, the moment Neru's palm Hirate's soft skin, her eyes glisten with tears.

Without saying anything, Neru hug the girl so tight, afraid that Hirate will disappear. If this is a dream then Neru don't want to wake up, if this is the afterlife then Neru wants to come and join Hirate, Neru misses the girl so much to the point that she's on the verge of insanity. Hugging while sobbing and ranting on how much she misses the girl, completely scared and convinced that Hirate is a fragment of her imagination.

"Hey, Neru. Calm down, I'm here." Hirate worriedly said when Neru didn't calm down even a bit, she was hyperventilating.

Neru hold Hirate's face as if it's the most fragile thing in the world, her eyes portrays the mix of longing, relief, pain, love and fear all together.

"I love you." Neru whispered before she passed out, she's so tired and drain. Her emotions overwhelms her so much, Hirate smiles softly and put Neru's body in her back despite having a broken leg.

Hirate walk her way towards the mansion using the secret gate that only Fuyuka and both of them knew, Hirate is smiling ear to ear as she walks her way to the Nagahama Mansion knowing that Fuyuka will be shock to see her. She wants to thank Fuyuka as well, Fuyuka is willing to risk her life just to save Hirate despite knowing that the General won't be having second thoughts to kill Fuyuka if he happened to find out.

As Hirate keep on stalking Neru, she's observing the in and out time of the guards. Sneaking her way in is not a problem now because the guard are having their dinner by now.

Hirate went inside the mansion feeling nostalgic of the familiar mansion


Hirate put Neru on her bed slowly and turn around to give Fuyuka a smile, Fuyuka still can't believe that Hirate is in front of her and alive.

"You've grown even though it's just a few months." Fuyuka compliments, Hirate smile and chuckle. She definitely grew, Manaka is even annoyed of her sudden growth.

"I spent some time healing, of course I'll grow Fuyuka-san." Hirate joke, suddenly her stomach grumble. Hearing this, Fuyuka chuckle while Hirate blushed because of embarrassment.

"I guess you're hungry? Let's go grab some?" Fuyuka invite, Hirate took the offer as she scratch her head awkwardly. She didn't eat dinner yet, she was so focus on staring at Neru even though Neru didn't do anything for the past two hours.

"Thank you so much, Fuyuka-san." Hirate said as she follow Fuyuka to the dining room.


"I'll excuse for a moment, I'll be right back." Fuyuka said as she excuse herself to go check Neru in her room. Fuyuka is feeling restless.

On the other hand, Neru woke up in her room. Her eyes glisten with tears once again when her eyes landed on Hirate's painting that is placed neatly in front of her bed, her breath became heavy and her chest tighten.

"A dream.." Neru trailed off completely disappointed, "I should have not pass out." Neru angrily said, angry at herself. It's the most realest hallucination she has, or so she thinks. Neru stood up and push the nearest object possible to take her anger out.

"I should have not sleep." Neru said as another sob escape her lips, hugging her knees while sitting near the door.

"Neru-sama? Are you alright?" Fuyuka exclaim from the other side and bang the door loudly, completely worried to death.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Neru exclaim, her voice boom in the four corner room. It's the first time that Fuyuka heard Neru this angry, upset and isolated. Fuyuka knew that no one can calm her down, when she's having a mental breakdown. Fuyuka had a hard time calming her down, how much more now?

Just like a bulb that ting above her head, Fuyuka was about to turn around to get Hirate when she realize that Hirate is just behind her. Staring at the door seriously, Hirate gulp down the lump on her throat and knock softly.

"Neru, it's Hirate. Please open the door." Hirate softly said, and in a blink of an eye the door flew open as Neru throw her body towards Hirate.

"You're real? Please don't leave me.." Neru said as she sob hard, Hirate can't do anything but just to be with her, just hug her without saying anything.

Neru needs peace of mind.

And for Neru, Hirate's presence gives her one.

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