Big Bad Punk

413 9 5

[(Y/N)'s pov]

     Great. First day at a new school. Let's just say I am very not excited. School sucks. People suck. Teenagers scare the living shit out of me. They are all dicks. 

     My alarm goes off and I immediately cringe. Slowly my body slides out of the bed and I leave my blankets behind. Once I'm up, I look back at my bed longingly before sighing and wandering to my closet. On the way there my foot rams into a box I have yet to unpack and I yelp. Now that I am in a sufficiently worse mood, I growl and pull out my new uniform. Needless to say I hate it and the only good thing about it is that it is dark blue and I get to wear a tie. The skirt is short as hell. 

    Since I like to be a bitch when it comes to school uniforms, I bring out my black leggings and doc martins. The dress code said nothing about not wearing these. It simply said no open toed shoes and they have to be black. I laugh to myself in my head while slipping on the items of clothing. When I make it to the bathroom I run a brush through my hair and think about styling it, but instead I just run some water through the (h/l) (h/c) locks. Throwing my bangs in my face and messing it up just a tad, I call it done and move on. Some eye liner and I'm good to go. Luckily my face has been clear ever since I got this one face wash. 

    I'm a junior in high school. Everyone keeps saying that things will be better and easier next year, but they sure as hell haven't been. The liars. Though I don't know why I believed them. They were the ones that said school was cool and that high school would be fun. I know this year is going to be difficult since moving schools in high school is difficult. I should know. I've done it twice... This was my last time until I graduate though. Because my family doesn't want my last two years to be messed up. 

     I run down the stairs and grab my satchel bag. Slinging it across my body and grabbing the piece of toast my mother handed out to me. 

    "Have a good day okay? And try to make some friends," she says to me as she gives me a hug. I would have dodged it, but she blocked the door so she could force me into the hug. 

    I gave her a nod before pulling away. She gave me a smile and moved out of the way so I could move past her and out the door. My toast hung from my mouth as I locked the door behind me. Now the walk to school. With a grumble, I started the dreaded walk. Pulling out my mp3 player and earbuds. I played my punk rock playlist to calm me down as I walked. The music lulled my soul and gave me a distraction from the outside world. Little did I know I was being watched as I walked in my little bubble. 

    The school came into view after a while. I walked up the steps and into the building. Kids hung around in little groups chatting away. Some heads turned as I guess they sensed fresh meat. That made my anxiety spike back up. I sadly removed my earbuds and turned off my mp3 player so that I could talk to the main office. Once there it took me forever. The woman was a bitch and moved like a sloth. Then I swore she couldn't read. I kept having to walk her through things and explain what I needed. By the time she finally gave me what I needed I was late for class. Needless to say I was absolutely hating life. I am a socially awkward person. 

     One of the women from the main office walked me to my class because this place was a damn maze. The tiny map they gave me was not going to do shit to help me. I couldn't read the damn thing without a microscope. We arrived at the door of the class and then she opened it, announced really loud who I was and that I was the new kid, dragged me into the classroom, and then ditched me. All eyes were on me. The teacher looked at me and I looked at him with a blank expression. My mind was running a hundred miles an hour and I clenched my satchel's strap to keep my hand from shaking. I walked up to the teacher and handed him the paper I had to hand every teacher. He took a look at it and rolled his eyes before telling me to take a seat. I turned and sighed silently as I walked to the very back and took the seat in the corner by the window. I normally didn't like to be this boxed in because school windows didn't normally have a way to open except for one of them in my experience, but this one had a latch so I was happy. 

     Eventually all of the kids started to whisper to one another and glance back at me. It was normal so I didn't question it and just stared out the window. The teacher droned on about syllabus and stuff like that since it was the first day. Everyone here it seemed knew each other and had been here in this classroom with this teacher before so no one was paying attention. 

     One of the groups seemed to be some of the popular preppy girls. A stupid looking blond popped her bubble gum and raised her hand. The teacher sighed and looked to her in a bred manner. "What is it Betty?"

     The girl, Betty, took her hand down in a snobby way and giggled before opening her mouth. "Uh yea Mr. Brady, so you always made the new kids stand up and tell the class who they are." Her voice was high pitched and snobby. 

     "Your point being?" he asked grumpily.

    "Well uh we have a new kid and we all want to get to know her. Duuhhh,"she finished with a giggle. 

     I was pissed. She turned to me and winked with another giggle. Then her friends giggled. My eyes landed on the teacher and he thought for a moment. then he looked down at the paper I gave him and sat back in his seat.

     "She came in late and I have a schedule to keep. You've put me behind that schedule so if you really want to know her talk to her on your own time Betty. Don't waste mine," The teacher, Mr. Brady, glared at Betty before continuing to drone on. I smirked and turned to look back out the window. This was my new favorite teacher. 

     Class ended and the amount of glares I had received so far made me uncomfortable. Yet I kept the same old stoic expression and kept going. I always had a blank expression. I rarely showed emotion so that no one could learn how to hurt me. 

     Second period and on was hell. None of the teachers made me get up and introduce myself and none of the kids seemed to care, but as I sat down in the back like I did pretty much every day of my life a kid came in late to class. His hair was all spikey and short and his uniform was untidy. As he walked to the back he made eye contact with me. A smirk formed upon his lips before he sat down beside me. Leaning in he whispered, "You better rethink your seating. Or else when the Big bad Punk comes here tomorrow he's gonna be pissed." 

     I leaned away from him and remained stoic in the face. Not a word left my lips. This seemed to anger him. My unfazed nature bothered a lot of people, but he went about it a new way. He kept trying to get me to talk and tried to get a rise out of me. When he poked me I grabbed his finger and twisted it. This caused hi to seethe with anger. "You're gonna regret that."

     My gaze turned to him and I let him look over my blank expression as a way of telling him I was still entirely unfazed. This pissed him off more and the whole rest of the day he stalked me. Learning all of the classes I was in and where my locker was. I'm guessing he talked to a lot of people to learn all he could about me. Which was I was new and I had a name. (Y/N). Though he learned one other thing. I had not said a word to anyone. 


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