She What?

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[(Y/N) POV]

     I had finally made it home that first day alive. How I managed to make everyone hate me the first day was honestly a shock to me. It was normally at least day two when that happened. I had to sneak home as to not alert my stalker from second period to my abode. I got lucky finally. Making it home safe and alone. I walked up the steps and my mother greeted me. I waved in greeting and she asked how my day went. I simply sighed and shook my head. She got the memo and pat my shoulder and giving me little pick me ups that never really worked, but I let her think they did. I pulled out my little notepad and started to write. 

     "The teachers gave me stuff you need to sign. So did the main office" I wrote. You see, I'm mute. That's why I didn't talk at all in school. That's why my teachers didn't have me introduce myself. I gave them a signed paper that said not to and told them what I could and couldn't do. 

     My mother nodded and together we signed all that needed signed. Then she gave me time to change before throwing me the keys to her car and asking me to go pick up my little sis. She was seven years younger than me and, Unlike me, could talk. Boy did she talk... She also hated people that bullied me with a burning passion. I loved the kid despite her being annoying, and gods save the little dicks who tried to mess with her. I would kick their asses. I wasn't afraid to punt a kid. Never had to though. The dark and menacing stare had them running back to their mothers wailing. 

     I took the keys and walked out of the house. I wore a black jacket that was worn and had patches all over it along with blue stitches where there had been old rips. Underneath it was a plain grey and baggy t shirt that went well with my black ripped skinny jeans and my doc martens that still adorned my feet. My clothing made me feel comfortable and at ease. So did the rings that I now wore on every finger. Only two I left on for school since I couldn't really wear jewelry. There were three necklaces that were on me too. One was still hidden like it had been today at school. I never took it off and no one knew it existed. I would keep it that way. 

    When I reached the car, I noticed a really nice old car across the street. I smiled softly as I eyed it and opened my mother's car door. A boy walked out just then. He had shaggy black hair. His skin was pale and he wore punk clothing. I wish I could tell his eye color, but I was sure they were green. We made eye contact before he looked me up and down with a bit of a stunned expression. I shyly turned my gaze back to my mother's car and went to get in. He called out to wait, but I just got in the car and drove off. I shook my head to get him out of my mind and relaxed a little as I drove. 

     I pulled up at the small school and mean mugged every kid that looked at my sister funny. She confidently walked right up to me and gave me a hug. To which I gave her the ol' FBI shoulder pat before crossing my arms and looking over the kids. I opened the back seat for my sis and after she climbed in, I walked to the driver's seat and got in. A smirk made it's way onto my sister and I's faces as we drove off. Down the road we laughed. Though mine was silent. 

     We made it back to the new house and I parked in the drive. My sister rushed up the steps and hugged our mom just as she walked out to greet us. She looked at me as I locked the car and threw her the keys. She gave me a smile to which I returned. Though it fell as out from behind her walked three people. A woman and two boys. One of the boys happened to be the one I saw across the street before picking up my sister. I had a good feeling whatever was going on was his doing. 

     Once my mother  led us into the house she explained the neighbors had come to greet us. The woman was Donna and the two boys were her sons Gerard and Mikey. My mother introduced us to them and I gave them a nod as my way of greeting. Gerard raised a brow in confusion since my sister was a hundred miles an hour telling them all about her while I said not a word. That was when my mother rubbed the back of her neck and I looked down. "(Y/N) is mute. A nod is her way of saying hello."

     Gerard looked back to me after having listened to my mother explain with wide eyes. "You're mute?"

     I nodded.

     "Well that explains why you didn't say anything earlier."

     The two mothers looked to us. "Did you two meet in school?" My mother asked. 

     I shook my head and he answered. "No Miss. (L/N). I wasn't at school today. I saw her not that long ago when she went to I guess pick up her sister. I tried to talk to her, but she just got in the car and left."

     My mother gave me a look to which I rubbed the back of my neck and looked down, but she backed me up, "Oh well she didn't bring her notepad so she probably just left so she didn't have to seem too rude."

     I nodded as if that was exactly the reason. Gerard didn't say anything, but I could tell he didn't really buy it. To my dismay they ended up staying for dinner and Gerard tried to talk to me every chance he got. Which, after giving my sister a note, was none. He didn't get to talk to me at all because my sister kept begging him and Mikey to play with her. She pretended to be upset and used her secret weapon of puppy eyes to get them to say yes. All for the price of me sneaking her up some candy and a movie after bed time. 

     Gerard tried to persuade her, "Hey why don't we get your sister over here to play?"

     She just blinked for a moment, "Bleh no. She is my sister." She then looked over to me and winked. 

     I winked back and Gerard saw it. He looked between us and realized that this was a set up. I smirked at him. He tried to leave the game and my sister got all fake sad. 

     "You're gonna leave?" she asked with a pouty lip. 

     Gerard grumbled and sat back down. 

     My mother and Donna had a few glasses of wine together before they realized it was late and Donna's husband got home. So they said their goodbyes and left. I had already been up in my room all showered and in my pjs reading comics. A movie and a snack at my bedside for my little partner in crime. 

     The next day I got up and got ready for my second day of school. I was not ready, but I once more ran out the door with a piece of toast. The car across the street was still there, so I made sure to sneak my way to the school to avoid Gerard or anyone discovering the direction I live in. I made it to my first class and sat in the same seat as before. Leaning back and gazing out the window. I was really early to class, so I leaned my head on my satchel and played with a fraying string on it. 

     I listened to the kids coming in as the bells rang. Then everything went quiet as I heard two guys talking. "Yeah man she stole your seat and then I threatened her but she just gave me a blank stare!"

     "She what?" The other voice asked in a pissed off tone. Oh shit...  it was this big bad the dude had talked about. 

     I heard them walk up to my seat and I could feel their angry gazes looking down on me. I clenched my fist to keep my anxiety at bay and sighed before sitting up and leaning back in my chair with a blank expression. My gaze met the dude from before's which held a smirk. Then I looked to the other and my eyes widened. It was Gerard. He was looking down at me with wide eyes. No one else dared pay attention to us in fear of him. 

     I recuperated and crossed my arms. A raised brow from me questioned him as to what he wanted. 

     Gerard recuperated and put a hand on my desk. "You're in my seat."

     I moved his hand slowly off of the desk and his buddy went wide eyed. I wasn't budging.

     Gerard smirked and bent down to whisper in my ear so that only I could hear. "Keep the seat Sugar. Your sister isn't here to distract me this time so ditch next period and come talk to me. We'll discuss you sticking around with me and my group."

     I shook my head and slid towards the corner. 

     He pulled me back my my arm. "If you don't you'll be fair game for the bullies and you won't last a day."

     I pulled out my notepad and scribbled something down before handing the paper to him. It read,"I already have."

     I regretted my decision. 

Punk Boy {Gerard x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now