Chapter 2.

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"How are you feeling?" Harry asks, waking me up. The sun coming through the doors to our balcony is unbearably bright. I didn't get too drunk last night, but I was definitely feeling myself. 

"Blind." I respond, throwing a pillow over my head. Harry's chuckle finds it's way through the thickness of the material. I feel him move on his side of the bed and it becomes colder as his body is moved away from me. I take this as a sign to get up. I stand up and stretch, looking outside at the beautiful view we have behind our house. Harry sneaks up behind me and clasps his arms around my waist, nuzzling his face in my neck. 

"We need to get ready for tomorrow." He says, sighing in my ear. I don't know if I'm excited or not. Going with him is fun, but exhausting at the same time. 

"How many dates do you have this time around?" I turn around, looking at him, sneaking my arms around his waist. He looks down at me, smiling with his hair poking out of his man-bun. 

"We have twenty seven, then we have a two week break. After that we have thirty six." He does the math in his head. "Wait... That's not right." He separates himself from me and starts counting on his fingers. I laugh and walk to the bathroom and start the shower. 

"Are you going to sit there and count show dates or are you going to join me?" I ask, getting undressed. He looks up, sees my half naked - about to be all naked - body and runs into the bathroom, stripping along the way. By the time he makes it to me, I'm completely undressed. He pulls me into the shower, both of us giggling as we go. 

As I towel dry my hair, I watch as Harry walks around our room with nothing but a towel wrapped around his tiny waist. It makes me smile knowing that someone so beautiful thinks I'm worthy of his time. 

"Alex, stoping staring at me and get dressed. We have stuff to do today." He says, and immediately drops his towel, smirking. He opens the drawer to our shared dresser and grabs a pair of his briefs. 

I sigh deeply and drop the towel that I was using to cover me. I see his smile as he forces himself not to look, but revenge is my favorite game. I grab my sweet pea lotion and start working it into my skin, moaning in the process. He glances my way and I take the opportunity to start messaging my breasts with the lotion. 

"Alex, come on, I can-" He walks over as soon as he sees me send my hands lower down my abdomen, heading south, as I bite my bottom lip. He forcefully pulls my body into his, and I drop the bottle of lotion as we make our way towards the bed. 

"Okay, now we really need to get ready." Harry says, pulling me off the bed. I'm exhausted. If there's anything he's good at, it's singing and making sure he doesn't finish until I have - two or three times. 

"I'm sleepy now." I whine, not wanting to do anything but lay in bed, cuddling with this handsome, considerate, and seductive man I somehow get to call my husband. 

"It's your own damn fault. You know you can't bite your lip like that." He kisses my cheek and lets me go. I finally get enough control of myself to get dressed. I dry and curl my hair, apply minimal makeup, and perfect my casual outfit in the mirror. I've really taken a like to leggings. 

"Are you ready?" Harry calls to me from downstairs. I respond with a yes before making my way to the kitchen to grab an apple. Harry has one cut and in a bag for me, my purse in his hand, and my phone in his mouth as he reaches into the fridge for a water. 

"You know, this purse really suits you." I say as he stands up and closes the fridge door. He's wearing a white button up shirt with black chevron lines going across it. He's only buttoned up the bottom three buttons, which drives me absolutely insane. He's wearing his infamous skinny jeans with boots, and his sunglasses are holding back his long hair out of his face. 

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