Chapter 2 *Unedited*

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We drove to the mall for my annual birthday shopping trip. When we got there, I definitely wasn't prepared for what I saw...

When we got the the mall, we walked to the food court. The entire walk she looked like she was going to explode with excitement at any moment. When we got there, I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw my ultimate favorite band ever Emblem3, Amber Frank and Tiffany Stringer!! They were right there, sitting at a table which looked like a couple of tables pushed together to make a makeshift table of 8. I was so confused because there's only 5 of them and they looked like they were waiting for someone. Who could they be waiting for? I thought to myself. 

Right after I finished my thought, "So, are you gonna say 'Hi'? I know they are your favorite band," Jenna asked tauntingly. "I would.. but they look like they are waiting for someone and I don't want to bother them." I replied shyly. "Oh I'm sure you wouldn't be bothering them." Jenna responded, gently pushing me in their direction.

As Jenna was giving me not so subtle nudges, I caught Wes's eye. When he saw me, his eyes lit up for a second. To say I was confused by that was a huge understatement. He then made the hand signal for to come  to where he's at. Shyly, I walked over to them. I sat down in the empty spot between Wes and Keaton. I put my head down in an attempt to hide the tears that had formed in my eyes. When I looked up, I wasn't the only one who had tears in their eyes. Wes and Keaton had some tears too but I didn't know why.

We all sat in silence for a moment, they were all starring at me like they were waiting for me to say something first. Honestly, I didn't know what to say. I was sitting with my favorite group of people ever. What could I possibly say that wouldn't be awkward! "Hi.." I said shyly. "Hey Ara!" Keaton exclaimed "How have you been Bella?" Wes asked. "Good" I replied. Well this is awkward I thought to myself, Wait a minute, how do they even know my name? I haven't told them yet and it looks like I didn't need to.

Then I remembered that I was supposed to be with Jenna for my shopping trip. I turned around to talk to Jenna but she was nowhere in sight. Well okay I thought. I turned my attention back to the band. It was like Drew read my mind "She left you with us for a few hours because we have your second surprise." He said gesturing to the 5 of them who were all getting up from the table. "Oh- okay." I replied following their lead. 

When we got the tables and chairs to the way they are supposed to be, we started to walk to the exit. At this point, I wasn't even concerned about my birthday shopping trip, I was just really confused as to what this day has become. Amber could tell I was really confused, "Don't worry Ara, we are just as confused." She said motioning to herself and Tiffany who just shrugged. I just nodded because I was still pretty shocked.

A/N- Soooo, was that a lovely surprise from Jenna or what? Lmao, I would be really shocked too if I was in Arabella's shoes. What do you think Jenna, Wes, Keaton and Drew's next surprise for Bella is?

I also forgot to mention this in the beginning- Obviously some of this isn't real and Arabella was about 4 when Laraine placed her at the orphanage. So she lived with the Strombergs for about a year give or take a couple of months. 

I also didn't mention ages (which I might change them later on) Arabella/Bella/Ara just turned 12, Keaton is about 17, Wes is about 20, Drew is about 21, Amber is about 19 and Tiffany is about 17. And this will take place a year or 2 after X Factor.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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