Chapter 7- it's always me.

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Third Person POV

Harlynn walked into her room with a small smile on her face, it was a weird feeling of happiness that she never really felt with Ron and Hermione, yes she was always happy with them they were her best friends but there's something about finding new friends to hangout with that makes you so much more happy. 

She jumped onto her bed and wrapped the blanket around her body and sighed, she also felt... conflicted about the whole situation, she could've sworn that these people... her new friends were the slimiest, evilest and meanest people around but now that she's seeing them in a new light those words don't even come to mind. She wondered if she had always been too quick to judge before, her Ron and Hermione always seemed like perfect Angels but now she could understand why the slytherins hated them so much. She desperately wanted to feel happy about the past hours antics but with all the thoughts running through her head, she couldn't. 

The next morning

Ron and Hermione sat in the great hall, eating their breakfast and talking about the Daily Profet. They both missed Harry a lot, it was weird for them to hangout and never have him around, and it was VERY weird for 'Harry' to walk into the great hall, having a conversation with Malfoy AND his weird friends. Blue eyes met brown as they gaped at their friend who fit in surprisingly well in the Slytherin group. 

     "You're seeing this too, right?" Ron asked. Hermione nodded her head and then looked across the room to watch their friend again. "How is this possible? Harry hates Malfoy!" Exclaimed Ron. 

     "I have no idea but we'll have to ask him about it later, when we told him to make some friends I didn't think it would happen this fast." Responded Hermione. 

Meanwhile at the Slytherin table 

Harlynn was trying her hardest not to look at her best friends, she knew they were probably very confused and maybe even upset right now so she avoided eye contact as long as possible. But it was getting harder and harder as breakfast continued on, it was like she could feel their eyes burning into her. So she gave in and took a quick glance in their direction, and it was just her luck that she made eye contact with them right away. Both of them stopped the conversation they were having and the golden trio stared at each other from across the hall, Harlynn was the first one to break the eye contact as Blaise said something directly to her. 

     "Sorry Blaise, what were you saying?" She asked

     "I was just wondering if you were okay? It looks like you've been having a staring contest with the less popular members of the golden trio," Blaise snickered. Harlynn rolled her eyes at him and grabbed another piece of toast. 

After breakfast was done and Harlynn left the great hall, Ron and Hermione ran up to her. 

     "We'll just leave you alone then." Said Pansy as she pulled Draco and Blaise down the corridor. Harlynn smiled to show her thanks for the other girl, she really didn't want to have a conversation with Ron and Hermione if Draco was around. 

      "Harry..." Started Ron, only to be interrupted by Hermione hissing, 

      "It's Harlynn in public, Ronald." Ron rolled his eyes and continued,

      "Sorry, Harlynn, but why have you been hanging around Malfoy and his jerks?!" Ron nearly shouted. Harlynn winced, she had been expecting this reaction but it still didn't make it any easier. 

      "Look Ron... I think we judged them too quickly before, I've seen them in a new light now and they're really not that bad at all!" Ron grumbled something Harlynn couldn't hear and Hermione had a surprised look on her face. 

     "It's just that... You guys never got along and we're just confused on how you guys are suddenly getting along so well!" Hermione tried to explain. Ron nodded and crossed his arms across his chest. 

     "Well, Blaise introduced me to everyone, and they were all really nice! They didn't even talk about death eater stuff like you guys probably thought. It was actually pretty enjoyable if I'm being honest." Ron scoffed 'ridiculous' and stalked off. 

     "I'm really sorry Harlynn, I'm not upset with you but I'm gonna go with Ron."  Hermione offered a sympathetic smile. 

     "It's alright Hermione, I get it." Hermione pulled Harlynn in for a hug which she greatly accepted. Hermione walked down the corridor, and at the end she gave her a small wave and smile before turning the corner Ron went down. Harlynn slid down the nearest hall and put her head in her hands and gave off a big sigh, why does everything happen to me she thought. 

yeah it's a short one, sorry. I've have like no motivation for awhile but I think I'm going to try harder to start updating more often. Thanks for reading this and PLEASE send suggestions, I'll take anything (doesn't mean I'll use it tho, haha). Also Ron will not be like this for the whole fanfic. 

finished: November 18th 2020 

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