Important Announcement

1.2K 17 5

Hi guys . First I would like to thank you all so so much for helping me reach this far. 77k ??? Wow ! I remember when I was thanking you guys when I had 311 views . Lmao . This book has come a long way ngl . It's all thanks to you wonderful people . I love that you like my book .

I have one more favour to ask of you . It's not a big thing , but it's really important to me . My life depends on it !!!!!!! lol . So , to make money ( because I'm broke and Wattpad doesn't pay me) I started a YouTube channel . It's not going  well at all guys . No one watches my videos , and no one subscribes 🤦🏽‍♀️😂😭😭😭😭😭😭. I'm crying rn FYI . I'm in college rn and it's really hard , it's HARD . In addition, I work . So that's double the stress !!!!!!!

My point is , help me make it on YouTube so I can stop stressing . In turn I could update quicker because to be quite honest , I don't have any time for myself . I'm literally in the middle of a 24 hr mid term rn . I should be taking my test but I'm asking for help .

So yea . Now that I have bared my soul to you , I hope you can sympathize and subscribe. And even if you do not want to watch , share . Maybe one of your friends will like my content . Wheeeew that's a lot right ? Life sucks . Please let it suck less for me .

Sincerely, Danielle.

P.S. guys please don't leave me hanging!!! 🙁
👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 I have circled where u can find the link to my channel. Much love 💕.

 Much love 💕

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