Malleus Draconia x Female reader: A Fated explosion

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(Y/n) and Grim were in Mr. Crewels Chemistry/ Potions class with Ace and Deuce working on a project. They had to make a changing voice potion and Grim decided to take a cat nap where you were mixing chemicals.
Ace and Deuce were trying their best and being the single brain cells they were, they kind of messed up the potion by adding extra ingredients behind your back without you knowing.

 Ace and Deuce were trying their best and being the single brain cells  they were, they kind of messed up the potion by adding extra ingredients behind your back without you knowing

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"All I have to do now is just add-.... what are you two doing?"
You asked as you had the final ingredient the potion book requires of before seeing Deuce trying to stop Ace adding something completely unknown into the cauldron.

"Neh... what with all of the commotion?"
Grim finally decided to wake up from his cat nap only to see Ace plop the ingredient into the pot. All of a sudden the Cauldron started shaking viscously while the room felt as if it were shaking along with the pot.

Ace and Deuce both looked at each other and sweat dropped as they both said the words where everyone scatters after.

"Uh Oh."

They ran away as they dragged you along before you noticed Grim wasn't with you. You ripped away from Ace and Deuces grip and ran back to the room.
Grims tail was stuck between a weight scale and some heavy bottles where he couldn't get out. You rushed to him and got him unstuck before seeing the cauldron was about to explode from the massive foam it was producing.
Ace and Deuce were right in the doorway as you made a last minute decision and grabbed Grims small little cat body, then Yeeeted the little fucker like a football towards your half brained celled friends as the Cauldron exploded.


I felt as if I was floating on air when I opened my eyes. Only to discover just a second later, that I was.
I was right above the school as I was falling towards the field where Coach Vargas was making the class run laps around the track.

I screamed all the way down, preparing myself to hit the ground and possibly die.
While being petrified from falling from the sky, I heard someone yell
"In coming!!"

Getting closer to the ground I stopped yelling, curling into a ball knowing that this was it. Death by stupid idiot friends horseplaying while you were trying to improve your grades because of a certain cat's incompetence from taking any responsibility.

I heard a voice.

Opening my eyes I noticed I wasn't falling anymore and that I was in the arms of Malleus Draconia.
A.k.a: Tsunataro

He held me with such care, the surprise on his face matched mine, however he was blushing for some odd reason. I was just happy to see him as the rush of relief washed over me knowing I wasn't going to die anymore. I hugged him thanking him profusely for catching me in mid air.
Meanwhile Lilia was laughing hysterically on the ground muttering something "at least someone answered you" and "the red string exists!"

Silver was snickering laughing with Lilia somewhat, while Sebek was just shaking his head over and over muttering something.

"Tsunataro! Thank you for catching me! Thought I was gonna die there for a minute. Could you put me down now please?"
I awkwardly laughed knowing that I just did something embarrassing. He just gently smiled at me and placed me on the ground delicately.

"I'm glad it was you" He muttered.

Tilting my head wondering why would he say something like that.
Offering to walk me to the infirmary to make sure I wasn't hurt in any other way. I gladly accepted.

Back to when You were falling. What was happening previously.

"Hey Malleus? Have you ever heard of the red string of fate?" Asked Lilia as he finished his last lap.

"No, I don't believe I have. What is the fate of red string?" Malleus asked, sitting underneath a tree reading a book having already finished his laps a while ago.

"Well, two people connected by an invisible red thread are to be destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break. This myth is similar to the Western concept of soulmate or a destined partner."
Lilia smiled mischievously as the rest of their friend group finished their laps.

"If this existed Malleus, what would you want your significant other to be like?"
Putting away his book he paid no attention to his previous caretaker.

"Well, I'd like to not be afraid of me and not turn away when I'm near. They would also have to admire gargoyles as much as I do."
He stood up, grabbed his things, and walked towards the group since it was almost time to leave for their next class.

Sebek was the next to speak.
"Anyone should be honored to be yours young master! I bet they would be quite amazing with magic as much as you."

Malleus thought for a bit before shaking his.
"It doesn't matter. I wouldn't care any less if they had magic or not." He said as he spread his arms out in a catching position expressing himself.

"Fuhuhu~ does our young lord have someone in mind? Maybe a certain someone In Ramshackle dorm?" Lilia teased which made Malleus blush ever so slightly as his eyes widened; at least that told Lilia he hit the nail on the head.

"Young Master? You can't be serious can you? She doesn't even call you by your real name even though she knows it! She doesn't even care that you're the soon to be King of the Valley of Thorns!" Sebek explained completely in shock that his Lord would admire such a person. But if it made him happy....

"I mean that would explain a lot, due to when we end up losing you to go on your walks we end up finding over there Chit Chatting with her."
Silver commented as he rested on the tree Malleus was previously reading his book under.

The group all stared at him with knowing eyes as he froze for a moment looking away from them. He sighed giving into them.
"Even if (Y/n) was the person at the end of my red string. It's not like she would fall out of the sky out of thin air saying she loved me or along the lines of that."

As if on cue they heard screaming from above them.
"Do you hear that?" Silver asked, wondering where it was coming.

A student from the field yelled "In coming!"

Everyone looked up and Malleus was in shock as he automatically opened his arms to try to catch the said person.
What was even more shocking was that the impossible happened.

As (Y/n) opened their eyes and saw her beloved Tsunataro, she smiled excitedly and hugged Malleus thanking him for catching her.

He smiled thanking whatever god or deity made it where this small little child of man that he was so intrigued by, was his and his alone. Smiling that (Y/n) made the impossible happen, making him eat his words.
"I'm glad it was you." He said carrying her now to the infirmary, who knows what could've happened that made her fly in the sky like that to conveniently fall into his arms. He had to make sure his precious human was alright.

However this only made poor (Y/n) confused by everyone's reactions as to why Sebek was shaking his head in an internal predicament, why Silver was asleep smiling, and lastly why Lilia laughing on the ground mumbling someone almost incoherent about something being happy that it was true.

The Ramshackle Prefect (Y/n) decided not to question it for now due to being in the arms of her crush. Even if it was to the infirmary. She would have to both thank and murder her friends later.


Hope you liked the first one shot.

Have a nice day.


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