7.0 Yarazhenya

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Later the same day, Yarazhenya was trying to clean up after the Wheatstone children, who were running around as if they had never had freedom before, which was probably true. But the mess! They left it wherever they went it seemed. At least it kept her mind off of Cerys, who had not yet returned.  Yarazhenya forced the Wheatstones to share meals with her, and clean themselves frequently. Bernebe spent a lot of time in his room. There seemed to be something safe in the normalcy and banality of doing chores. The general situation remained uncertain, but at least there was order in their present world.
Bernebe came running up, interrupting her thoughts and chores. "You must come quickly! The Tainish protectorate has arrived. They wish to speak in Petroviese so that the mob can't understand."
"We are saved!" Yarazhenya called out, hurrying to the gate.
"Hello?" She called out when she arrived.
Sophine translated again, informing Yarazhenya of the boats waiting to take them away in the river.
"And how does your Capitaine suggest we get to the boats?" Yarazhenya asked.
"I'll check," Yarazhenya heard a woman cursing at the girl. "She is not sure, just a moment."
Yarazhenya placed her ear to the peephole in the door, she could see nothing for the republic's protectorate combattants blocking their way. "We can fight through," a woman spoke to who Yarazhenya thought must be the Capitaine. As this discussion continued, the rain, which has been light but constant so far the whole morning, changed to deluge level, pouring down with such intensity and rapidity that anyone that was outside and dry, was soaked within seconds. The smoke was gone now, and all fires out. Drops came down with such force, they were soon stood in puddles, and soaked through to the skin. Combattants on both sides wiped the water from their eyes,but all of a sudden, it seemed to Yarazhenya the Cassioni mob attacked. She ran upstairs with Bernebe so asto be able to see over the wall and gate. The mob were now amidst the Tainish combattants, screaming, howling, yelling, taking their swords from their sheaths before the Tainish even had time to reach for them. Some tried to fight back, but those that even managed to draw their swords had neither the time nor space to do anything before they were under a pile of Cassioni. The woman Yarazhenya figured was the Capitaine was pinned to the wall by at least five Cassioni. Trumpets and galloping horses were suddenly hear and a group of riders, led by a woman in a chain mail vest and helmet approached, holding the banner of a fox, that belonging to the Fuchsjaegerlanders. Yarazhenya was confused- what were they doing here?

The Tainish Capitaine struggled to get free, failed, and screamed out in frustration. A sword was drawn and placed at her throat, which had the immediate impact of calming her down, but she continued to look around frantically. The other woman, the one with yellow hair, greeted the head rider warmly, and the Tainish lady took up her yelling again.
"Hettenhausen! Tell them to release me!" Something about the Tainish protectorate, ascendancy, blasted savages. The rain continued its torrential downpour.
"Why have I been attacked?"
Yarazhenya could not hear what the rider said.
"It doesn't matter what I expected, just tell me why! And what in Havenhearth are you doing here?"
"Hettenhausen! You lying, treacherous, leech! But I will not return to my ships without the hostages. I shall remain here in Chevelles until I have carried out my orders."
Then, she began waving her arms in the air in an apparent protest, as she was pulled away into the crowd, along with the other Tainish combattants.
Later, as the rains heavied, she invited Bernebe inside for some tea, intent on adding his perspective of the situation to that she had gained from her merchant friends.
"You saw all that. What is happening here? Be honest. Cerys is missing, Callira is dead, and I am losing my mind with worry and grief."
Bernebe, both elbows on the table at which they sat, sucked in a deep breath, and let it out slowly, his head between his hands. Normally he would not share what he was about to, but his feelings for Cerys were strong, and he was motivated to gain support from the only family member she had in Cassini.
"I will tell you what I know, but you must promise not to give my name. You must cite your merchant contacts as your source, do you understand?" Yarazhenya nodded, pouring herself a cup of tea from a teapot with a chicken's neck as a spout.
"First of all, of Cerys is with Floren, I can assure you that she will not be in danger. Indeed, with Floren is probably the safest place to be right now, even safer than here,"
"What do you mean? Why?"
"I cannot share more for I know not much more, but just trust me on that. Will you?"
"I will try," of course she would continue to worry about her niece, but it was clear that Bernebe knew many things that she did not, and for now, she chose hope. "And Callira too? Is there a chance that my sources... were perhaps... mistaken?"
"Unfortunately, I do not think that is as possibility," Bernebe bowed his head just as Yarazhenya's friends had done when she spoke to them. "I will share what I know." He added, himself now taking a sip of tea. "The chancellor is a puppet for the Golden Defenders. The real power here in Angounesse presently belongs to a woman who goes by Jade. That's it. She leads a sizeable group of rebels, working out of the Herb Hills- I am unable to ascertain the size just yet. But it seems we just observed some of their force directly. You will have noticed it was not small.the Chancellor is there to cover-up, confuse, detract and deny her actions, and prevent any punishment from befalling her and her rebellion."Yarazhenya listened on, afraid, confused, angry, her cheeks flushed fuschia with her emotion, but she held her tongue, wanting him to finish so that her response might not detract him from confiding in her.
"She accuses her targets of being foreigner-apologists, and that is motivation enough for any atrocities committed, valid or not. Many republican protectorate work for Jade directly, but do so indirectly, under the chancellor's protectorate. Jade knows that the chancellor is the figurehead of power in the region, and for nordmontline, and she recognizes I believe that she must appease the chancellor. That is how, we are here. The chancellor does not wish us killed, as Jade and the Golden Defenders do."
"I don't believe it." Yarazhenya whispered. "That woman could not care less for us." She recalled the countless conversations and arguments she had had with Callira on the subject. Never convinced of what her friend had told her. "If she is keeping us alive, I guarantee you it is for a reason. For a sham trial and execution, is my guess. All of us at once. I know it. And no funerals or memorial." Bernebe did not speak immediately, in apparent consideration of what she had just said. He sipped his tea. Yarazhenya was glad for once that she was not speaking to the trusting, loyal Callira (May the spirits guide her), who would just assure her that the chancellor was a friend and a good person and that she was mistaken.
"You could be right." A turbulence of feelings shot through her.
"Then what do we do?"
"We try to escape or we wait. Which is it you want?"

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