Chapter 11: Escape

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Falcon and Misty were hiding under a bush when it happened.

Out of nowhere 5 cats exploded from the trees around where the two kits were sleeping. Falcon jumped up, whilst Misty backed under the bush. Falcon looked around, panicking Oh no! They've come to kill me! He thought, desperately trying to figure a way out. There was none.

Falcon stepped out. "You wanna fight? I'll give you a fight." He growled. But when he stared into the black eyes in front of him he nearly fainted from fear. These cats were HUGE. Even bigger than Mousefang and Grayfang. He gulped.

It was too late to back down.

The cats laughed.

"You? You'd just get yourself killed even faster." One of them said, a brown tabby with green eyes.

"Leaftail's right." Another one said, a grey and white she-cat. The black cat and the white cat said nothing. They just sat down and watched the younger cats.

Falcon stood up straight. "I-I killed the other cat. Mousefang." He says. The scene still shocked him, it had been an accident, but now was not the time to say that.

Leaftail's eyes lit up. "True, true. You did. Just another reason to kill you and your little sister." He says, his claws sliding out. The black tom stood up and stood in front of leaftail.

"Leave Misty out of this!" Falcon growls at the black tom. The white she-cat got up too.

"Ghost, you take the she-cat. I take the tom. Leaftail, Flameheart and Streamfur; fan out around them so they won't escape." The black one said calmly.

"Yes Shadowsoul." Ghost replies, the others did as Shadowsoul told them. Streamfur, the grey and white one, was smiling evily. Flameheart, a ginger tom, narrowed his eyes and beared his teeth at the kits. Leaftail does nothing.

"Come at me kit." Shadowsoul says. "And get out your sister."

"Never. Let Misty be!" Falcon hisses.

Ghost slipped under the bush quick as a snake, and chased Misty over to Falcon. His sister whimpers.

Falcon thinks. Leaftail seemed like the least concentrated one. And Streamfur. Luckily, they stood on opposite sides of the circle! He smiles.

"Misty, listen. When I run out past Leaftail the cats will follow me. Then you run past Streamfur. Everybody will becaome confused and we can run away! Just keep rnning and hide. I'll run in a loop nd come back to you again." He whispers. Misty nods faintly, so the others won't see.

Ghost was again standing besides her brother Shadowsoul. They were waiting patiently. Afyer a long pause, Falcon shot over to Leaftail. Leaftail yowled with surprise as Falcon ran between his legs.

Just like Falcon had predicted all the cats ran over to him. Misty then ran over in the opposite direction. The DarkClan cats screeched in confusion as they crashed into each other, everybody trying to figure out where to go. By then Falcon was far ahead of them, and all he heard was screeches of rage behind him. He took a loop into the forest, and through some swampy moss that covered his scent. After running as far as he could he no longer heard DarkClan. The forest was lightening up ahead, so he padded in that direction.


"Falcon!" Misty called. She had run out of the forest, in front of her was a meadow full of tall golden grass. "Falcon!" She called again. She heard a rustle behind her. She jumped and ran into a hollow tree that had fallen down.

"Misty?" a familiar voice whispered.

"Falcon!" She raced out again and saw her brother. His fur was rumpled, with leaves and twigs covering him. She couldn't help it.

She laughed.

Falconblaze's Path (1): The Heart Of A Warrior, The Life Of A RogueWhere stories live. Discover now