The Dinner Party

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NOT ME HAVING a mental break down cuz one of my edits flopped 😋. Enjoy this next chapter.

Stef's POV
It's been about a week and I completely hate it! Alot of shit has been pissing me off. And I just cant stand my cousins or my aunt.

Anyways I in the bedroom they gave me to stay in...yeah ik I don't call it my room..

My room is with Mattia in it and I had missed him so badly.

Then my cousin Lea walked in.

"What do you want now?" I said irritated.

"There's some gathering tonight and like papa wants you to come your dress and stuff is in the other room." She said.

"I'm not going..." I said I put a pillow over my head.

"Well you have to so.. you have an hour to get ready..." She said.

I took the pillow off my head and we t into the other room. Were I saw a red dress. A colour I've been seeing alot lately...does it mean something?

Eh idk whatever.

I put on the dress, the heels and the jewelry to go with it and I did light makeup.

I put my gun holster on my leg and put my 9mm pistol in there then out my dress down.

Then Elizabeth walked in. Elizabeth was a girl who worked for my father but she was more like a maid...if that makes sense. She was super nice and I got along with her well.

"My god" she said.

"What!?" I said so confused.

"Let me just say your husband is a very lucky man." She said smiling.

"You look gorgeous" she added.

"Thanks" I said.

"Well your aunt and uncle are waiting for you downstairs"

I sighed.

"Okay" I said as I grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

As I was walking down my uncle says:

"So she decides to listen for once."

"Fuck off and let's go!" I demanded.

I went out to the car and once we got to the main entrance of the house the gathering took place I left them and walked in on my own.

Once I walked In there were all eyes on me.

Then I said "WHAT!?" and everyone stopped looking.

I went by the bar and sat.

Then the bartender said:

"What can I get for you?"

I don't usually drink but fuck it.

"UHM how about I start off light...a beer please" I asked.

He grabbed a beer bottle and opened it.

"One beer for the lovely lady" he said as he gave it to me.

"Thanks" I said then I took a sip.

I sat there for sometime as I talked to the bartender.

His name was Johnathan and he was an old friend of Mattia's.

"I will say.. My boy is a lucky man" he said as he gave drinks to people.

"I must be that gorgeous" I said.

He nodded.

"How do you know Mattia?" I asked him.

"AHH we go wayy back since 6th grade" he said.

I was shook.

"We became friends because we hated each other." He said.

I started laughing.

"Oh my gosh.. what a coincidence" I said.

"Yeah you would've never thought" he said with a smile on his face.

Then I saw mattia walk in from the corner of my eye.

I smile grew on my face.

"Hes here isn't he?" Johnathan said.

I nodded.

"But I want him to come over to me" I said.

"So you play hard to get with him huh?" He continued.

"Not really...he's knows how I am" I said smiling.

Then I heard a familiar voice.

"So you decide to talk to your girl?" I said to Mattia.

"You know I had to come say hi" he said with a smile on his face.

Then he saw Johnathan.

"AND MY BOY!" he said smiling at Johnathan.

Mattia sat in the chair next to me.

"So I heard you killed your dad?" Johnathan said.

I nodded.

"What's a petite girl like you doing with big guns" he said.

"You be surprised what I can do with a 9mm pistol" I said.

Mattia laughed as I said that.

"She's a keeper " Johnathan said looking at Mattia.

Mattia smiled and asked for a beer.

After that I and Mattia got up and went to find some seats.

We found seats as the party kind of started.

I felt Mattia's hand go on my thigh.

I saw my uncle look at me as he didn't look happy.

"Don't let him get to you " Mattia told me.

"Your with me...right now..and I won't hesitate to blow his brains all over the place..for what he did to Alejandro" Mattia said as his face expression changed.

"Hows Alejandro doing" I asked.

"Recovering..slowly but surely" He told me.

"Oh.." I said.

I sighed.

"What's wrong?" He said.

"Nothing I-" I stopped myself.

"No tell me!" He said.

"Okay fine...I just feel like this is my fault but then it's my dad fault." I said.

"Like what the fuck he could've left us alone and we wouldn't be into deep.."  I continued.

"Your right but thats what being a mafia kid is like and we gotta keep fighting to stay alive..'' he said.

"And what happens if we have kids hm?!" I said

"I dont want my son's to live this life style!" I continued.

"Me either.." he said.

"But let's focus on we haven't even had sex once" he said.

"True." I said

"I'll be coming for you soon don't worry " he said.

"I'm not going to" I said.

After the dinner party I was in the car with my uncle, aunt, and cousins.

"So you were with Polibio weren't you!?" My uncle said.

"And so what if I was?" I said.

"Stay away from him Stef! HES THE REASON YOUR FATHER IS DEAD!" my uncle said raising his voice.

"REMEBER I PULLED THE TRIGGER!" I said raising my voice as well.

Then things got silent. Once we got home I changed into some pajamas given to me and called it a night.


I'm thinking of  writing smut 👀

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