Special feature!

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So many people have been reading this story and I would love to gift you guys with a special feature chapter!

Ochako pov:

"Katsuki people are going to be arriving any minute!" I hiss

"Yeah I'm not to interested fucking deku is coming and I'm really not in the mood to see his face" my annoying husband growled

"He is coming all the way from America to be here! Hes been broken ever since his break up with todorki and He is completely oblivious to our whole situation and you WILL be nice to him! This is a baby shower for Pete sake!" I say.

"Yeah yeah, I just remembered I was supposed to grab something from outside.." he stated bluntly, exiting the house.

I stood there quietly for a few moments before I heard the doorbell ring.

"MOMMY MOMMY STAY THERE I GOT IT!!" Hana yelled shoving past me.

"Auntie Mina! Come in! Oh yay!!! Rina-Kun!" Hana yells yanking the little slimy haired boy inside, followed by Mina, Kirishima, jiro, kami and sero.

"You all came at the same time?" I ask

"Yeah thought it would be easier! Oh honey look at you! Are you going to go for number four after this little munchkin comes out?" Mina asks as she squeezes me in a tight hug.

"Uh no I never plan on it" I say

"We are trying for number 2 right now, so far no luck" Kiri sighs.

"I'm sorry I'm sure you'll figure it out!" I say hugging him too.

I hear another ding dong of the doorbell.

"MOMMY STAY!" Hana yells again this time shoving kasui out of the way of the door.

"Hana be careful!" I yell.

She opens the door. Deku stood in the door wat nervously looking straight ahead to see who opened the door before jumping back at the sight of Hana below him.


"Hana, that's one of moms friend stupid! Or else he wouldn't be here!" Kasui says to her.

"YEAH WELL I DONT LIKE HIM!" She states pouting.

"Sorry deku come on in!" I say shoving the twins to the side.

"O-oh it's ok! Woah You're pregnant?" He stutters his eyes glued to my belly.

"Uh yeah...it's a baby shower..." I say

"Oh I didn't think it was yours.." he says guiltily.

"Ok...sorry Hana gets that from her father haha" I laugh picking up the grumpy blonde.

"She's also your kid?" He asks

"Uh yeah..same with the brunette" I say confused.

"Oh! I had no idea you had so many affairs..." he said.

"Um...affairs?" I ask offended.

"Yeah well where's your husband I don't see him?" He says

"Turn around" a harsh voice says from behind him.

"Now you see him" Katsuki growls
(Victorious vibes hehe oh when I was young..ish)

"K-kacchan!?" I would of thought you guys wouldn't last..." he mumbles

"Excuse me?" Katsuki barks

"Katsuki calm down he hasn't seen us in a while he doesn't know what's been happening" I say leading the two boys inside.

"How about we all enjoy ourselves a bit eh? Have a snack talk to old friends? Ok sounds good." I say pushing deku into the crowd.

"What was that!?" I hiss

"What he was being a dick!" The blonde says

"Yeah but I told you to be nice!" I say

"Yeah ok I'll be nice but only because I love you" he says giving me a soft kiss.

Even with all his rough edges and cold comments he is still just a little lovable puppy on the inside....

Yay! Extra chapter hope you liked it and maybe a while from now another will follow! Muah love you all!

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