That Annoying Sword..

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Jolene's POV
I spied on Jotaro and Polnareff, watching them fight my supposed comerade, Anubis.
He's in control of Polnareff, so all I need to do is overwhelm this Kujō guy.
Waltzing out from behind a building, I approached the three.
" seems you're struggling, Jotaro. " I stated bluntly, watching him about to get sliced in the head.
He instead hit the sword, throwing it off its straight path, and head butted it, breaking it more than before.
He didn't answer my question, instead glaring at me with a slightly worried undertone.
" oh, that's right. You're the one who keeps his cool.. hm. Not that I really mind. How about we have a fair fight? " I grabbed Anubis by the blade, spinning him on my finger.
" what the hell are you doing?! We're supposed to be a team, Utsuisho! " I heard the sword say angrily.
" a fair fight, huh? It's not fair if you're in perfect condition. " Jotaro muttered, sitting on his knee.
" I know that. I can wait. I'm not as eager to kill as this one. " I waved Anubis around, my emotionless face not changing for a second.
" let's just kill them and get this over with! It'll be easy! Who cares about a fair fight?! " Anubis tried to convince me, but I just glanced at him.
" Anubis. I think you're annoying, so I'm getting rid of you. " I reeled my arm back, preparing to throw the blade.
" n-no, wait! We c-can t-talk about this! " he protested.
Ignoring him, I threw him off towards the Nile river, knowing he'd fall in no matter what happened.
" how are you planning to make it a fair fight? You haven't told me, and I'm willing to reason with you here. " Jotaro interrupted my thoughts, making me turn my head towards him.
" I can wait for you to heal. You may do what you'd like to during that period of time, even if it affects me and as long as you don't kill me. " I told him, tossing a roll of bandages at his French friend, who looked awfully confused.
" Jotaro.. who's that? And why'd he give me bandages? " Polnareff asked, tilting his head.
" I'm your enemy. My name is Ustuishō, however, I'm not going to kill you until your wounds are healed. " I let them know my surname.
They don't need to know who I really am.
" so what are you gonna do? Follow us everywhere to make sure we're healing correctly? " Jotaro asked.
" yes. " I nodded.
" why not just kill us while you have the chance? We're vulnerable enough, it'd be easy for you, I'm sure. " Polnareff questioned.
" I don't feel the need to kill right now. I want to fight you at your strongest. " I told him.
" you're.. you're weird. Usually you'd be either getting beaten, or we would. " Jotaro seemed hesitant to speak.
" I'm not weird. I'm free. " I narrowed my eyes at him slightly, almost dropping my emotionless face.
They shook their heads, as Jotaro stood up slowly.
" do you need any more bandages? " I asked.
" why are you offering? You're our enemy, you're not someone we trust. " Polnareff glared at me.
" I don't care that you don't trust me. I'm offering so that you can heal as soon as possible. " I looked back into Jotaro's pained eyes.
People aren't as observant as they think they are.
Jotaro hides his emotions and pain for his friends to give them a sense of stability.
He's the pillar of their group, even though they're all strong.
Jotaro Kujō is the world's strongest man.
" no. We don't need your help. " Jotaro turned away from me in an angry manner, holding his stab wound as he walked off.
" nice try. We don't fall for traps easily. " Polnareff turned and walked away as well, leaving me to watch them walk off.
" I guess it can't be helped. I wouldn't take anything from my enemies either. " I muttered, beginning to walk after them.

" oi.. who is that? He's been following us around, and I couldn't help but notice that Iggy doesn't seem phased by him. " Joseph Joestar said, subtly pointing at me.
" we can't do anything about him. That's an enemy of ours, he said his name was something like.. Utsuishō. " Polnareff told the old man, sighing.
" then we should try and do something about him! " Avdol said, looking sort of shocked.
" no. They just said you can't do anything about me. And I'm not here to fight you two. Not at all. I'm only here to fight Jotaro and Polnareff. But they're not healed yet. So I'm waiting. " I told them in my usual flat tone.
" well then go somewhere else to wait! " the old man shouted at me.
" no. " I stated blankly.
" what's your problem?! You're following us, and existing without emotion! " Polnareff gritted his teeth as he looked at me.
" emotions are useless. Why need to express your anger? Just calm down. Why cry? You're seen as weak. Why smile? There's nothing to smile about. So if anything, I should ask what's your problem? Why do you express so much if you're only making yourself so emotionally vulnerable? " I tilted my head slightly in a creepy manner.
I heard soft patters next my legs, and looked down the see the dog staring up at me with a glint in his eyes.
One that could calm someone's anger or sadness.
He was being friendly to me.
" what the hell.. did you do something to Iggy?! " Polnareff looked at the oddly calm dog in shock.
" answer my question. I haven't done a single thing to the dog. If I was senseless, I would've kicked him. But I have a brain. " I deadpanned, crouching down and petting the terrier gently.
" emotions are pretty much necessary to exist. Though, I guess you wouldn't understand why.. " Avdol glanced away from me.
" and that's an example of emotional vulnerability. You're assuming I don't know what emotions feel like, and the small glance you just did is showing that what you said was insensitive and you know it. " I looked into his red eyes with my own yellow ones, staring through his skull.
" why don't you just fight us already?! You're a nuisance! " the old man asked angrily.
" I know I'm a nuisance. I don't want to kill you or the Egyptian. I want to kill Jotaro and Polnareff. " I nodded at him.
" well then if you don't make the first move, then we will! " Avdol brought out his stand, frustratedly.
" I don't advise trying to hurt me. You'll hurt Iggy. " I looked down at the dog, who looked angry at the Egyptian.
" like I'd hurt him! " Avdol tried throwing that fire rope at me, but he was stopped by Iggy's Stand.
Iggy huffed angrily, glaring at the Egyptian.
Avdol looked at Iggy in shock, and so did the others.
" I told you to stop. Now look what you did. You made him angry. " I patted the dog's head gently, and he glanced at me in question.
He then made his stand disappear, sitting next to me.
" what the hell is going on?! You did something to Iggy, I know it! " Avdol stood in a very defensive stance.
" I told you, I didn't do anything to my dog. " I stared into his eyes.
" y-your dog? " the old man asked.
" I've been looking for Iggy for a while. Thank you for finding him for me. " I nodded at them slightly, looking back at my grinning pet.
Iggy hopped up on my shoulder, and then the top of my head where he sat.
" well what do we do? If we try to attack him, Iggy's gonna stop us no matter what. And he won't bring out his stand, or even try and fight us. " Jotaro asked, looking at the others.
I just listened silently as they talked, content to have my dog back.
" well maybe we should just wait then. He's set on waiting until we're healed, why not give him what he wants. " Jotaro suggested, making me perk up slightly.
" I guess that's our only choice then.. but what about Iggy? Should we leave him with the enemy? Or try to get him back? " Polnareff sounded sad.
" really all we can do is leave him with the enemy, Polnareff. As much as I don't want to either, it's all we can do. " Avdol told him.
They looked back at me, and Polnareff waved at Iggy.
Iggy barked at him, assumingely grinning.
They then walked away, not sparing a second glance.
" I missed you, Iggy. " I told him quietly as I followed.

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