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Jolene's POV
I watched in horror as Dio approached Polnareff's unconscious body.
Stumbling to my feet, I shot wind bullets at the vampire like I did before, with added force to at least stall him.
I brought out my stand, Hayloft, as well, running next to the giant arachnid.
" oh, you're still alive? " Dio asked, unphased by the sharp wind.
" you won't kill my friend.. you won't kill anyone anymore. " I said, my voice trembling.
" then stop me! If you're so set on killing me, then do it. " Dio smirked evilly, looking over at my spider.
He pulled out his stand.
I'm not afraid of you.
Before I could react, there was a hole where my heart would be.
Falling to the ground, I coughed violently, watching pink blood spill from my mouth.
No.. I won't be beaten by him!
I'm supposed to live, for Iggy!
For Polnareff, for Kakyoin!
And for them, too.
I have to live for Jū too.
Everything's starting to get blurry.
I can't see..
" Iggy.. J-Jū.. I'm.. I-I'm s-Sorry.. " I choked out.
" you're just as weak as Kakyoin. " Dio said.

My eyes fluttered open, closing after seeing the bright white lights that blinded them.
" Jolene! " I heard a familiar French accent say in surprise.
" d-did.. did K-Kakyoin s-survive..? " I asked quietly, not caring about my condition.
A silence filled the room.
An awful, disgustingly terrible silence.
" no.. I'm sorry.. " Polnareff said quietly.
I stared blankly at the ceiling, breathing slowly.
Then, I realized something.
" I was dead, w-wasn't I? " I asked Polnareff suddenly.
" ... yes, why? " he questioned.
" how a-am I alive? " I asked him, now staring at the ceiling with wide eyes.
"Well.. Jotaro defeated Dio, and his body was left behind. We just put his blood in your body.. though.. " he trailed off, speaking nervously.
Sitting up, I felt my chest quickly.
No injury, no wounds.
" I'm fine..? " I tilted my head.
Closing my eyes for a moment, memories of the past events flashed through my head.
So I was going to fight Dio..
But he ripped my heart out.
I died.
I was dead.
Then.. what happened to..
" where's Mr.Joestar? I was with him after.. um.. " I hesitated to speak.
" oh, he's fine too. He's in the waiting room with Jotaro. " he perked up slightly, pointing a finger to the ceiling.
Ripping out any cords connected to my body, I stood in front of Polnareff.
" wait, what are you doing? " he asked, looking up at me.
" guess you're my best friend now. " I told him.
Shrugging, he nodded.
" sure, why not? " he stated.
Sitting back on the bed, I glanced around the room.
" where are my clothes? " I asked.
Polnareff stayed silent for a moment.
" oh, we still have them. But they're destroyed. Mr.Joestar insisted on buying you new ones, and Jotaro picked them out. " he picked up a bag from the chair he was sitting on, handing it to me.
" well, I don't wanna look like a clown.. let's see what got picked, shall we? " I glanced to the French, who nodded.
Setting the bag down, I opened it and poured out its contents.
Looking at the outfit in awe, my mouth was left agape.
A bright pink and yellow windbreaker with a Nirvana shirt to go underneath, and pink pants to match the windbreaker.
And the shoes.
Oh, the shoes.
They were platforms like my old ones, but there were small toy fish inside.
" oh my god. Not even I would wear something like that.. " Polnareff looked at it in surprise, making me turn to look at him slowly.
" are you.. insulting my style? " I asked quietly.
" n-no! I'm not insulting your style! I'm saying I wouldn't wear something like that at your age! You're only, what, 21? Maybe even 22.. " he tried guessing my age, making me cringe.
" Pol.. I'm 19. " I said.
He looked at me with a blank face, then made an odd expression.
" eeeh?! You're only 19?! That doesn't make any sense! " he exclaimed in confusion.
" how? I was sent to America, and I was adopted by a Japanese family. " I said.
" you were sent to America? From where? " he pried.
" from my home planet, Khaezits. I'm an extra-terrestrial being, remember? " I pointed to my old clothes that were stained pink.
" so.. you're.. you're an alien! " he said in shock.
" yes. I'm an alien. " I nodded.
" what're your abilities? I know you have a stand, but I didn't forget about the wind! " he asked curiously, making me sigh.
" how about this. I go change my clothes, and we go meet Jotaro and the old man. I'm sure they'll be curious like you are. " I suggested.
" oh, okay! " he nodded quickly.
I put the clothes back int he bag, and walked into the bathroom.

" wow! You pull that off really nicely, Jolene! " Polnareff complimented me, smiling brightly.
" thanks, Pol. " I smiled back in return, looking back at the empty bag.
It wasn't empty.
" oh wait, there's still somethings in here.. " I fished them out, trying to process what they were.
I set the bag down, and walked back into the bathroom with the items in hand.
" is something wrong? " Polnareff asked, standing in the doorway.
" he got me earrings. " I put in the dolphin on the left, and the spider on the right.
" and some rings. " I slipped on the Boston Terrier ring, along with the spider rings.
" sheesh, he probably stole those.. " my French friend shook his head, looking at me.
" oh, um.. was there anything else in the bag? I need an elastic. " I asked, pushing my hair out of my face.
" I'll go check! " he bounced back over to the bag, leaving me a second to gaze at myself.
My eyes were a bright yellow instead of gold, and they were slightly bloodshot.
I smiled, not forgetting to glance at my dimples.
As I moved my eyes, I glanced at my teeth.
I had sharp fangs.
" hm. " I grunted quietly, feeling something get thrown at my arm.
Looking at it, there was a small pack of elastics.
" There you go! " Pol grinned.
" thanks, Pol. " I shot a finger gun at him, taking an elastic off.
This is the hardest part of my appearance sometimes.
I got a hold of the wild hair, slowly fitting it through.
I didn't need to wrap it around at all, my hair was too thick to be in this tiny thing anyway.
" there. " I presented myself to Pol, who grinned even wider.
" let's go show them! I'm sure they'll be happy you like the stuff! " he grabbed my hand, pulling me straight to the door of the room.
On the way, I snatched up the bag that now had my old clothes in it, not wanting to leave them.

" Mr.Joestar! Jotaro! " Polnareff called to the only two in the waiting room, making them snap their heads up.
" looks like you're just fine. " Jotaro stated, hiding his smile.
" oh my god! I didn't think you'd like those clothes! " Mr.Joestar held his face in his hands, surprised.
" of course I would. It's my style. " I said in a 'duh' tone.
" I guess I was right picking clothes for you.. god, that cashier was stupid.. " Jotaro shook his head.
" but you think a lot of people are stupid, JoJo. " Polnareff tilted his head.
Snorting, I turned away from the three as I broke out laughing.
They didn't say anything, just sharing looks with eachother as I laughed.
" oh— oh man! I haven't laughed since I was.. what, four?! That was funny! " I said loudly, running a hand through my hair.
" you're just like the people from that story.. " I heard Jotaro.
My eyes widening slightly, I tilted my head as I looked at him.
" what story? " I asked.
" what was it.. Dark They Were, And Golden-Eyed. " he said.
It surprised me.
" oh, by Ray Bradbury? " he nodded.
" but his eyes aren't golden, are they? " Mr.Joestar pointed out.
" they were. But now they're more of a bright yellow. " I sighed.
" and you're not from space. " Jotaro shook his head.
" oh! That's what I was going to tell you. I'm from a planet called Khaezits, in the Megellaniic clouds. It was very nice there, but some beings from a different planet called Tewei invaded ours. I was one of the few saved children, and I was sent to America when I was four. I quit with emotions then, feeling no use for them after my planet was long gone. I was adopted by a family called the Utsuishōs with rich parents who were disappointed in everything I'd ever done. So I left when I was 16, and lived in Egypt for those three years. Then I met Dio, and then I met you guys! " I explained, leaving them in silent shock.
" so.. you're an alien. " Mr.Joestar looked confused.
" mhm. " I nodded.
" so he's an alien.. and a vampire. " Jotaro said.
" what's a vampire? I know that Dio was one.. but I don't know what that is. " I asked, tilting my head again.

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