Not a Joke

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A/N- I plan to include this imagine in one of my stories :))

House: Gryffindor                                                                                                                                                              Year: 4th      


The Yule Ball was approaching and still, no one has asked you. Your best friend, Hermione, told you she already had one.

"It's Viktor Krum," she said, blushing. "He asked me earlier today. Have you got one yet, Y/n?"

"No," you mumbled. "You're lucky. Your date is an international Quidditch player. Any girl would want to be you. Not me though, he's not my type."

"I'm sure someone will ask you. You're amazing."

You smiled at your friend.


Days passed, and still no one asked you. Most of the people you knew already had dates. Except one.

Draco Malfoy.

Little did you know, he admired you. He picks on you because it's the only way he isn't shy to talk to you. He liked how your E/C orbs sparkle when you get the answer right in class, how your H/C hair flows to your back. 

He knew you didn't have a date, so he planned to ask you.

You were packing your things up in Potions class. Everyone was happy because of the free period next. 

Draco knew where you stayed during free periods. You sit under a tree near the Black Lake, reading a book, dozing off, or skipping pebbles across the water's surface. 

Today, you were with Hermione, talking under the tree. You chuckled at something she said.

Shoot, Draco thought. She's not alone.

He approached you anyway because you wouldn't be having classes with him for the rest of the day, so he took his chances.

He walked up to you and Hermione and cleared his throat. You looked at him and felt your cheeks heat up. You always thought he was good looking, and you liked him for some while, but seeing that he bullies you, you are certain he doesn't feel the same way. 

Hermione smirked to herself and told you, "I have to go, Y/n. I-uh, I forgot something at the library." She left you and Draco alone. She left you two alone because she sometimes saw how Draco looked at you. You also told her you liked him.

"Yes, Malfoy? Come to insult me? Mock me that I don't have a date?" you asked him.

"Don't make assumptions, Y/n. I'm actually here because you don't have a date to the ball," he said. "Would you maybe want to go with me? To the Yule Ball?"

Your eyes widened. Was the Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Prince, asking you to the dance?

"Alright, who paid you? Is it a bet? A prank?" you said, narrowing your eyes.

"No, I swear. I'm being serious. Would you want to go with me?"

You sighed. "Okay, I'll go with you." you said, smiling and blushing.

He smiled back and said, "See you at the ball!"


You went in the Gryffindor Tower and went in the girls dorms, to find Hermione sitting on her bed and reading a book. She looked up.

𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕠 𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕗𝕠𝕪 𝕀𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now