Feelings could change

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House: Slytherin

Year: 5


"Y/n! Y/n! I need your help!" 

You closed your book, smiling as your best friend, (and crush) went into the common room. It was night time, and you were waiting for Draco to get back from the Inquisitorial Squad.

"What do you need, Draco?" you asked him.

"Er -- okay, I'm not good at this stuff so I need you to help me..." he scratched the back of his neck.


"Don't laugh."

"I won't,"

"Promise you won't laugh."

"I won't! Just tell me."

"Fine," said Draco. "So... I like this girl, and I-I don't know how to ask her out... and I need your help."

Your heart broke. Draco Malfoy, the boy you've crushed on for years, fancied another girl. When 5th year came, your feelings for Draco grew dangerously strong. You didn't show your sadness though.

"Who is this girl?" you asked him.

"Er -- Astoria. Astoria Greengrass."

Great. The sister of your other best friend, Daphne. Just great.

"Well," you said, trying to keep your voice normal, "When do you plan to ask her out?"

"Dunno," he thought. "When's our next Hogsmeade trip?"

"Next month I think." you said nonchalantly.

"Brilliant," he said, smiling. "Then I can ask her! You have to tell me how!"

"You have to gather up your courage and ask her." you shrugged.

"No -- I mean a special way."

"Flowers, I guess,"

"What's up with you?" said Draco, his smile faltering slightly. "You aren't as enthusiastic as you usually are."

"It's nothing," you said. "I'm going to bed."


The next morning, you talked to the only person who would understand your problems as a girl. Your other best friend, Daphne Greengrass. She was the only one who knew you liked Draco.

"Hey Y/n!" she said as you approached her in the courtyard. She was sitting alone, reading her book. (A Standard Book of Spells, Grade 5).

"Hi, Daphne," you said, walking over and sitting next to her.

She noticed you weren't as cheerful as you usually are. "What's wrong?"

You told her what happened last night.

"He fancies my sister?!" 

"Well that's what he said."

"My sister?!?"

"How many other Astoria Greengrass's do you know?"

"I'm sorry, Y/n," she said, closing her book and looking at you apologetically. "I know how much you like him."

"Well I can't do anything, can I?" you said. "I can't stop Draco from liking her. It's his choice."

You were both silent for a while, before you saw Daphne's sister with a bunch of her friends. 

Then you saw Draco walk out, then look at Astoria. They smiled at each other before Astoria went up to the castle, which caused you another pang.

You sighed. He's your best friend. You had to be happy for him.

𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕠 𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕗𝕠𝕪 𝕀𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now