Monse x reader

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⚠️  Smut ⚠️
Your POV:
As I strolled down the short hall to the bedroom, I passed the bathroom door, where steam was flowing out and splashes of water from the shower head could be heard- I presumed my girlfriend Monse was taking a shower. Then, as I was just going to pass it, tiny noises coming from the behind the door which caught my attention. I pressed my ear to the door and soon could make out my own name being muttered, followed by a moan.
What is Monse doing in there?

I silently pushed open the door to further investigate. As I peaked into the room, I could make out Monse's wet body pressed against the frosted glass, with one hand disappearing between her legs.

"Mm,fuck, Y/n..." she said again, causing me to moan involuntarily.

She gasped and turned around to find my figure standing there on the other side of the glass. "Hello?" She whimpered, peering around the sliding door and meeting my lut-filled eyes. "Fuck!" She squealed, disappearing into the mist again. "How much of that did you hear?"

"Enough," I replied with a smirk. "I've never caught you before ,Mons, and I must say, I quite enjoyed it."

I pulled off my clothes and walked closer to the shower door. I stepped into the spray and met her eyes again. Her cheeks were pink with embarrasment and erousal. "You should keep going."

She bit her lip and hesitantly reached between her legs again. SHe closed her eyes as she started to play with her clit. Her jaw fell and she scrunched her eyebrows, letting out a small whimper.

My hand found its way between my own legs and I pusjed a finger into myself, pulsing slowly.

"Y/n..." she whined, causing me to let out a moan.

I added another finger and worked myself faster. So did she. She then pulled the shower head down and settled it between her thighs, using it to pleasure herself.

Watching the water splash and drip down from her pussy pushed me closer to the edge. My back fell against the shower wall as I moved my fingers in and out of myself.

Soon, Monse was shaking with pleasure, and her orgasm came powerfully.

I was soon to follow, my vision was already starting to blur.

"Don't cum,"Monse breathed, suddenly.

I grunted and slowed down, looking at her questioningly.

"Let me do that for you. "

She placed the shower head in the handle again and walked across the tub toward me. She placed her hands on mine, taking them away from my center, and pushed them back againt the wall on either side of my head.

"Fuck.." I moaned, as she kissed down my neck and body.

She held my hips and looked up at me one last time before taking me in her hot mouth.

I let out a loud cry. It wouldn't be long now. I could already feel the waves pulsing through me and she ravaged me with her mouth.

My legs were trembling, so I had to grip her hear for support. She sucked my clit between her teeth and my vision turned white. I'm sure I was making the filthiest noises, but all I could hear was my own heartbeat in my ears.

When the climax finally subsided, Monse was stroking my neck and kissing my cheek.

"Holy shit, babe, if I would have known watching me would get you off so hard, I would've left the door open," she giggled in my ear.

"Shut up and kiss me you fool." I respond rolling my eyes

A/n: Sorry this took so long to write. Also sorry if it sucked,i left what i had before and just continued it haha. Anyways, If you can find one of the refrences to something that don't belong to this fandom but another I'll follow you and write a chapter with your name in it with the person of your choice.

See you next time lovelies❤️

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