Characters with a heart is open. No smut allowed here! But the title explains whether you should enter this book or not. Please, I beg of you, have good grammar! And please don't be super smutty. If that's the only thing you want then get out. And d...
【 Bad Traits 】 -Stubborn -Shy -Cautious -Nervous -Perfectionist
【 Overall Personality Traits 】 Laura's first love is acting. She is a theater actress from high school to college, and she's good at it. She can convincingly play any role. She's confident in character but shy as just herself. But whether she's playing a part or being herself one thing is consistent, you're probably going to be draw to her because she's so sweet and charming. She is a perfectionist and hates when her roles don't play out perfectly.
╔═════ • ❖ • ═════╗ I N T E R E S T S ╚═════ • ❖ • ═════╝
【Fav. Food 】 Mint chocolate chip milkshake
【 Least Fav. Food 】 Hot Dogs
【 Fav. Color 】 Seafoam green
【 Least Fav. Color 】 Orange
【 Fav. Music Genre 】 Indie
【 Least Fav. Music Genre 】 Heavy metal
【 Fav. Animal 】 She loves pandas
【 Least Fav. Animal 】 She doesn't like vultures, they scare her and she calls them death chickens
【 Fav. Season(s) 】 Spring
【 Least Fav. Season(s) 】 Maybe summer but doesn't really have one.
╔═════ • ❖ • ═════╗ B A C K G R O U N D ╚═════ • ❖ • ═════╝
Laura grew up in a pretty normal atmosphere with okay to good parents. She loved theatre and actively participated in that in high school and college. After college she couldn't land any theatre jobs, so she signed up for the Rent-A-Girlfriend site that was hiring professional actors.
╔═════ • ❖ • ═════╗ S C E N A R I O ╚═════ • ❖ • ═════╝
【 O N E 】 You are the oldest of your siblings yet you didn't have a date. They all did, even the youngest one who was still a teen! You always hated the annual vacation out to this big cabin mansion, because it was so awkward for you without a date. Everyone teased you about being old and single for so long. While browsing the internet you notice a site called Rent-A-Girlfriend and click on it. Hey, it's not just for men you realize! And even though it's a heafty price you consider doing it... your family isn't homophobic so why not? You'd finally enjoy your vacation without being teased. You were contemplating it and then you saw the beauty that is Laura. It also said that that amazing girl would work for either gender. That sold you. And you went ahead and booked her, you couldn't help it!