«playboy - jlaire - angst»

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Requested by Efthimios460 and  Aleksandar11M
-They both requested angst!

Tw: $elfh@rm and mentions of de@th

   "I'm breaking up with you„ John stated. His face showed that he didn't care but there was a look in his eyes that said he was breaking.

   The girl's face flashed with multiple emotions before tears began falling down her face.

Adrion felt the tension. Sure they always broke up and got back together but this wasn't like normal. He could feel how dead set on ending the relationship John was.


"That's it? You just accepted it?? You aren't even gonna try and get back together like normal?" Adrion called out as the girl began walking away. "Come on John, you know you still love her!"

John sighed, "I've already moved on."

Adrion sighed and followed after John.






The two entered the raven-haired male's home and started heading for John's room.

"Are you sure about this John?" John stayed silent and sat on his bed. "John she loved you!"

"We both know I didn't love her, Adrion. I only love Claire."

Adrion looked at the floor as he remembered their friend.

Back in their last year of middle school John and Claire started dating. They lasted a year before Claire died because of a stupid high tier going too far.

John broke, beat them up, and was then expelled. He transferred to Wellston, Adrion following after him, and became the school playboy.

He had a new girlfriend every week and every week, without fail, he broke their heart...

Then there's his secret activity that he honestly believes Adrion is oblivious to, which he isn't.

Every day after school when he's all alone in the house.....

.....He walked into the bathroom, grabbed a blade, and started cutting himself as he cried over the thought of his dead lover.

John wanted so desperately to leave this world and join her but he knew he couldn't. Not only would he be leaving Adrion and his father but she probably went to heaven and he'll be going to hell. Of course, there's always the fact that she wouldn't want him to take his life.

"I love you, Claire..."

"I love you too, John"


Hahahahaaaaaa I dont know- this is unreasonably late

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