Chapter 1

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Anastasia's POV

I wake up to my alarm clock blearing and groan.

You can say I'm not a morning person because I'm not. I wish the world started at noon because I hate waking up this early.

I get up from the bed and walk to the bathroom so I can get ready for school.

It's the first day of school after summer vacation and all I want to do right now is cry that I have to go back there.

I wear a white shirt, dark blue skinny jeans, a white pair of high heel sandals, a black scull bracelet, a silver necklace with a black heart pendant, a pair of black round sunglasses and I carry my black handbag with me.

I stand in front of my full sized mirror and do my makeup which consists of mascara and my favorite strawberry lip-gloss.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen and sit on the marble island in the middle.

"Morning Celia." I mutter.

"Get down from the island!" Celia the head cook says and I groan getting down.

"Then where am I supposed to sit." I whine.

"At the dining table with the rest of your family." She states and I huff and walk into the dining room.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family but I hate being around them because they're morning people and they're always so cheerful. Seriously, how can anyone be happy at 7am?

I sit and the table and I'm glad to find I'm the only one here so I can eat in peace.

Celia brings in a plate of bacon, sausages and eggs for me and I tear up.

I know it's stupid but I'm always grumpy in the morning and for some reason I always tear up around food.

"Celia? Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I say wiping tears from my eyes and she snorts and walks away.

As I eat my food at the corner of my eyes I see a little pair of feet walking towards the table and I smile.

I walk towards the tiny person and pick her up while she giggles at being carried.

"Morning princess." I say and she giggles again.

This is my little sister Kiara and she turned one during the summer.

She isn't a grouchy baby and is just a little ray of sunshine and since she's down here I know my mom is in the kitchen.

I walk into the kitchen and see her talking to Celia.

"Morning mom." I say and she walks towards me and kisses my cheek then grabs Kiara from me.

My mom –Aliana Alfonsi has golden brown hair, fair skin, brown eyes and a slim physique and is around 5'7 and Kiara is already a spitting image of her.

"Is dad around?" I ask and she shakes her head while I sigh in resignation.

Our dad –William Alfonsi– is the co-CEO of Luxenburg industries and he left on a business trip last week and I already miss him.

I walk to the dining table to finish my food and see my sister Abby eating it and I groan.

"Why can't I ever eat my food in peace in this house?" I say looking at the ceiling and Abby laughs at me.

Abby is my little sister and is starting her freshman year of high-school today and is another morning person in this family along with my mom, Kiara and dad. The only person other than me in this family who isn't a morning person is Daniel my older brother and he's in college in Berlin so he only comes during special events and holidays.

Abby looks like mom and she 5'4 at the age of 14 while Daniel is a spitting version of dad with his olive skin, gray eyes and black hair from his Italian roots and he's 6'2 and I look like neither of them with my blonde hair, hazel eyes and fair skin because I'm adopted but that's a story for another time.

Someone comes into the room and Abby and I squeal like kids and run into the arms of our dad

"How are my princesses doing?" He asks and kisses our foreheads after dropping us.

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming?!" Abby pouts and he smiles.

"I wanted it to be a surprise." He says.

"Well I'm just glad you're back." I say and hug him again.

"Don't leave me out of it." Abby says and joins the hug.

Dad walks into the kitchen to talk to mom and I check the time on my phone and my eyes widen.

"Abby we've got to go now or we'll be late." I tell her and we run to the kitchen and tell our goodbyes to everyone and our driver, Julian, a middle aged man takes us to school.

I don't drive because I'm not 16 –but I'll be turning 16 in a few months– and I don't have a driver's license so until then Abby and I will rely on Julian to take us anywhere.

We arrive at school at 8:23 leaving us with 7 minutes to get to class before we're late so we both jump out of the car and run into school without so much as a glance at each other.

Abby has already done her orientation and gotten all her school materials so I don't have to go through the stress of taking her to the secretary to get the materials she needs and giving her a tour of the school so I run to class but of course, I still end up getting to class late because people kept stopping me in the hallways to talk to me.

You can say that I'm popular and you wouldn't be wrong.

I'm only popular because of my dad and though I'm popular I have no friends.

I can't blame them though, who would want to be friends with someone who couldn't keep their mouths shut.

My big mouth could be used against them by their parents, teacher or enemies so nobody wants to take that risk of their secrets being exposed.

Ms. Morgan, our teacher, doesn't get upset with me because it's the first day of school and she's a really laid back teacher which makes her one of the student's favorites.

We usually do practical Music classes but on the first day of school all we do is talk about the activities that are going to take place that we need to practice for and our scheme of work for the semester.

Music is an elective course and most people think it's hard so few people do it. I don't necessarily like the subject but it's an easy A for me so I just went with it.

Soon music class is over and I go to my next class.

It's a cycle of telling us the scheme of work and telling us it won't be as easy as it was last year but it was okay apart from our horrible Math teacher who decided it would make sense to give us homework on the first day of school.

Soon the day is over and I'm waiting inside Julian's car for Abby to come out from school.

Abby finally gets into the car 15 minutes later and we all go home.

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