Head cannons!

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This has
Eli, Aesop, Naib, MIke, Norton, and luca

Contains: a little bit of smut headcanons, but mostly fluffy
[i made this because i wanted to do something quick and simple that would stress me out, i may also be a little late because i wanna get in things for my other book.]


-will call you my darling.
-definitely a thing man
-if he had a moto it's "thick thighs save lives." But he'll take any type of thighs.
-if his owl gets more attention than him from you, he'll get jealous and it embarrasses him.
-god you take priority, in a match and you aren't kiting he'll save the owl for you unless he has another one.
-someone gets too close he'll stand beside you and smiles, before holding your hand and showing it.
-in his tiger skin he uses it as an excuse you violently cuddle with you.
-when you are cuddling he holds you so close to make sure you wouldn't get away from him.


-calls you my rose
-he sees you perfect like a rose but deadly like the thorns.
-he will nuzzle into your tiddes and hold you close in the middle of matches
-he doesn't sleep well so he walks to your room and wakes you up to cuddle
-he get verrryyy needy and will complain if you don't pay attention to him
-cuddles, sometimes when he's stressed out he'll avoid being touched but he would like to be praised and sweet talked to.
-someone gets too close? no problem he looms over your shoulder and being 6'4 has its advantages, like scaring the shit out of people.
-will take off his mask only for you
-he doesn't trust Emily as much as he trusts you to patch up his wounds he sometimes gets.


-100 percent calls you princess
-you are his world, he loves you with a passion
-although he rescues everyone, but when you get chaired he goes straight for it. He's hurt? No he'll still go, William is there no only he can rescue you right.
-ass man, he'll cuddle you but his hands will always be on your ass
-you have a small ass, he doesn't care, big ass, he doesn't care. An ass is an ass
-someone flirts, well he seems to like to show off his knives at times people get a little too close.
-he kisses your neck playfully during matches then quickly leave


-My Star! He thinks you are bright and cute
-the waist and stomach man
-when he cuddles with you he will lay his head on your tummy, he doesn't care about your weight just as long as he can lay his head on it he's fine.
-in the middle of a match he will come up from behind and wrap his arms around your waist
-His hands can work magic in more ways than one ;)
-because he's so good with his hands he likes to give you back rubs and play around with your boobs and tummy. Not sexually but playful and teasing.
-get to close and in a match don't be surprised if they "accidentally" get hit by a fire bomb
-he begs for kisses all the time too


-my gem
-you are so valuable to him, he wouldn't trade you for the world
-Ass and Tit man
-You got tiddies he'll hold them in his hands, same with ass, he isn't very picky
-due to his greed he will not accept you not being by his side all the time
-if you leave his side for a minute he will throw a magnet and pull you back to him
-first time in the match he finds you and stays with you the whole time.
-if someone get too close he'll either attract you to him and out of the conversation or push the other away and take you


-your the spark of his life,
-hands <3 he loves holding your hands
-he tries to decode with you all the time. His ability makes up for him decoding for you
-he'll decode with just one hand to hold yours.
-due to his headaches he throws tantrums. Where he throws a lot of his stuff against the walls and on the floor.
-he always ends up curling up by your side and asking for forehead kisses.
-if someone gets too close he goes to your side and zaps you sides, thighs, and ass while making simple conversation.
-such a tease
-plus he paises you, most of the time...
Up next!
Luca Lemon

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