Chapter 9

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Amara's pov:

'That feels so much better!' I thought to myself as I was putting my track uniform back into my locker. After running in the race, me and my track uniform were drenched with my sweat. So, I decided to take a shower in the girls' shower located a bit further from the track. I also washed my uniform and dried it, now it's only slightly moist. It feels so good and refreshing to have taken a shower. The competitions had occupied quite a bit of time so within an hour, it will be buffet time! I'm so excited to taste all those delectable foods.

After showering, I had changed into a red dress which made me look presentable enough for the VIPs. Might I say I looked a little classy. I clipped my on both sides with clips which had pearls on them and wore a bracelet on my wrist. I also had slipped into a pair of black mid-heel V-cut shoes. I added a little makeup to my face. Overall, I look amazing, if I do say so myself.

As I was rummaging through my locker for my purse, I heard someone walk up to me and lean against the locker next to me. I moved my locker door a little to see who it was. The moment I saw his face, I meantally sighed. Not this again.

"Hey there, cutie. Looking pretty as always. Do you want to go grab a bite afterwards?" Chad, who was on our school's football team, asked me with a suggestive look on his face. Chad was what we call...a class-A jerk. He was always flirting with girls, treating them like objects for his own amusement. No discrimination to the other football team players. Most of them were nice people. But there are a few jerks like Chad that many of us, especially girls cannot stand.

Chad has been flirting with me every chance he gets for like the past 2 months. It all started when I accidentally bumped into him. He thought I did it on purpose to get his attention so he just started hitting on me, despite me telling that I wasn't interested in him. He thinks that I'm 'playing hard to get'. I curse myself for looking down at my phone and not looking forward that day. It's also Serena's fault because she was the one I was texting. Hmph. She doesn't have to endure this torture.

Chad was still in front of me. "Chad, I have told you so many times and I'm tired of repeating myself. I'm not interested. Go find someone else to go out with," I told him, exasperated. Maybe if I prayed hard enough he would go away. 'Please, please go away!' I closed my eyes and chanted in my head. I then opened my eyes. Damn it! He's still here. Oh come on, I said please.

I grumbled to myself and ignored him as I continued rummaging through my locker. The great gods of cheese, where the heck is my purse? "Oh come on, don't be like that. You know you want me-" I visibly shuddered in disgust. Me? Want him? Even if he was the only guy on earth left, I would prefer to be in a relationship with a raccoon. "-and I also know this amazing place. I-" Chad was saying when he cut himself off. Thank god, maybe he realised that his voice was draining the life out of me.

But I didn't sense him moving away. Curious of what's happening, I stole a glance at his face. His face had turned pale and eyes widened in fear as he looked at something behind me. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned my head to look behind me.

There stood Claire's brother, the one and only Valerio. The one who refused to leave my mind ever since his eyes met mine for the first time. The one whose eyes seem to be imprinted in my brain. He was standing a few feet away from me.

I could see his jaws clenched and his fists balled up tightly. His eyes seem to be a burning inferno as he glared at us. To be more precise, at Chad. No wonder, Chad is frozen in fear. I would have passed out if he was looking at me like that. His dominating presence oozed an intimidating and powerful aura around him.

He was taking firm steps towards me and Chad, his eyes shooting daggers at Chad. He finally reached us and asked, "Is there a problem?". His voice was calm. Calm before a storm. Though he kept his eyes on Chad, I could tell that the question was directed towards me so I decided to reply.

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