Gimme Love: George Weasley

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Everyday spent with George Weasley was a day worth living. There was never any worry in your mind that he couldn't alleviate with his shiny, toothy grin and tender words. He loved you for exactly who you were and you did the same. Loving him was as easy as taking in the light on a sunny day. It was all almost completely perfect. Frankly, the only "issue" could be how damn needy that boy is.

In a lot of situations it's nice to have a needy, loving boyfriend. It made you feel like you were his sun, stars, and world. And it all started out very innocent.

In your 4th year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry—when you and George first started dating—being a Gryffindor was very ideal. You both took advantage of all the down time you could spend together. Whether it was walking to class hand in hand, sitting next to each other at every meal, and being partners in every class you shared, were all among the ways George penciled himself into every little second and every spare moment in your life. He lived for summer and winter holidays so he could bring you home and intertwine you into his life even further. Simply put, he liked being around you and you liked being around him.

The "issue" only started to become prevalent when he took it upon himself to insure you never got to study.

Saturdays were for Quidditch and partying, no question. You, being the lovely girlfriend of one of the toughest beaters Hogwarts has ever seen, always went all out for the Quidditch game afterparties. With all of the partying and tom foolery from the previous night slowly fading to a distant memory, Sundays were traditionally reserved for studying and preparing for the next week of classes. Traditionally. For the Weasley Twins, this was not the case. If left to their own devices, the two would plan out and set up pranks for the entire week. A little something to smile at every single day. For them, this was the most productive use of their time. Surprisingly, both boys were actually very smart and hardly had to try at any spell work. You however, typically tried to cram those last few hours before the next week full of studying. Occasionally, you would humor George and help them with their plans before attempting to spend the rest of the day studying. This of course was not enough for him—he simply wanted special love and affection from his favorite girl in the world.

This Sunday was no exception. It all started out the same. Earlier in the day you had helped the twins plan out a particularly nasty prank for tomorrow morning's breakfast. They planned on charming all of the Slytherin's cinnamon rolls and turning them into snakes. And to add a fun twist, they charmed the table so only the seated Slytherin students could see the snakes. This had taken up nearly half of your day, seeing as by the time you got to the common room, it was a quarter past noon. After collecting your books and supplies from your dorm, you curled up on one of the giant maroon couches in the common room and began to study for your potions exam the next day.

"Of course Snape would assign a test right after a Quidditch game against Slytherin. I swear he has it out for us," you muttered to yourself angrily.

Madder than a pack of bulls, you picked up your quill and began to scribble notes in the margins of your potions textbook. Your books, bag, and notes were organized and separated for each class surrounding you. You were the perfect picture of focus, with your back schooched up into the nook of the couch's arm, knees up, and toes pressed into the space in between the cushions. A sudden whoosh of air entered the common room as your boyfriend and his brother practically flew into the common room. Taking a running start, George jumped and flopped onto the couch—just between your feet—sending your school work flying in every direction.

"Geooooorgie," you moaned, "C'mon babe, get it together!"

Flipping himself off of his back and onto his chest to face you he gushed, "Hey baby, good to see you too!"

"You dork," you muttered, lightly hitting his head with your notebook, "would you mind grabbing my potions textbook off the ground?"

Frowning, he stretched his arm off the couch to grab your beloved potions textbook and grumbled, "So you don't want to play with me," giving big puppy dog eyes and pushing out his bottom lip.

"Sorry sugar, I have to study for the damned potions exam," you said, shoving your nose back into your book.

George toyed with the pages for a minute and tried closing the cover, before grunting and giving up. He then flipped back onto his back, wrapped his arms around your thighs, slightly pulled you forward, and rested his head on your stomach. Slowly, you fell back into your studying mentality and peacefully begin taking notes again.

After a few minutes, George groaned and questioned, "So y/n, why don't you love me anymore? I was just wondering."

Giggling, you pushed your fingers in between his soft, cinnamon scented, ginger hair and said "Baby I love you, I just love my potions grade more!"

At this he made a fake, surprised gasping sound and exclaimed "Y/n! This is verbal abuse!"

Smiling to yourself, you continue to scan your potions book and massage his head. You scribbled Diminuendo (dih-min-you-en-doh)- use this to shrink down elderberries for practice potion and the date of the test in the margins of your textbook. You also made a little note to yourself in your notebook, figure out what the heck is a bubble producing spell? Not listed in the charms textbook! Finally, you thought to yourself, I'm actually getting somewhere with this potions nonsense.

George had had quite enough of this so-called "abuse" and tried once more to get you to pay more attention to him. Moving again, he flipped back onto his stomach and schooched up to rest his head on your chest. He stretched his head up to place soft kisses on your collarbone. All relevant thoughts about your classes slowly began to circle the drain in your mind.

He wrapped his arms around your stomach and whispered "Fancy a trip upstairs to let me do bad things to you lover? I promise it'll be worth your while."

"Godric George! Can you not just let me study this once? Shit!"

"Baby," he objected loudly, "Gimme love! If you don't kiss me right now I think I'll die!"

At that you laughed loudly, pushing him off of you and shoving your mostly finished classwork into your brown, soft leather shoulder bag and started up the stairs.

"Y/N please," he whined, "pay attention to me, I'm going to pass away," he finished while walking over to you briskly.

Smiling and gently tugging on the neckline of his shirt so your lips could meet, you giggled "You're an idiot George Weasley."

Exasperated and ready for more he smiled and said "Yes! An idiot that's in love with you!"

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