Chapter 12: Official?

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(Sophie POV)

I walked to the top of the hill where Keefe usually sits. He's already leaning on his back when I get there. I sneak up behind him and tap his left shoulder, immediately shuffling to his right. I cracked up when he looked over to his left and had to face a serious tickle war afterwards. It resulted in the two of us panting and giggling on the grass. He turned to face me and I turned to face him. I began to feel all fluttery again when his handsome, ice blue eyes met mine. Then, his face suddenly fell and I was quite concerned. Keefe closed his eyes and his hand trailed sluggishly down his face. "What's wrong?" I asked. He shook his head and muttered, "It's complicated. Like, really complicated." I was? Was I too complicated for him? "I-I'm sorry I..." I tug out another eyelash. Bad nervous habit. He grabbed my hand as I got up and shook his head again. "It's not your fault. It just can't be helped." He leaned in closer and gently pressed his lips against mine. And at that moment, a million fireworks exploded through my veins. The flutters burst and flew around my whole body. My ears burned a bright red. He held me in a hug with our faces close for a while, until I pulled back. We both had content smiles on our faces. Keefe reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I think I love you, Lady Foster." he whispered into my ear. I giggled then cringed at how babyish I sounded. I didn't really care at that moment. "I think I love you too, Lord Sencen."

"Wait!" Keefe exclaimed once we both got up to leave. "Can I have your number?" I smiled and gave him my phone number. We kissed goodbye and then left for the night.

Thief Of Hearts~ Sokeefe AUWhere stories live. Discover now