
192 1 14

From: Star Wars
Rating: fluff

Kylo's POV

Darkness. The only trace of light is the noise of a machine beeping away at my heartbeat.

From darkness, light rises. My eyes struggle to lift open as the blaring sight of the ceiling comes into focus. My body feels electrified as though my body was struck by lightning. Oh wait, I was. I lift my head enough to see the inside of a ship heading to God knows where. A few silhouettes of people cross by the tinted window.

The loud air compressor blows freezing air into the room as a woman, with a plate of armor covered by an apron, walks in.
"Ah, Ben. I'm so glad to see you have awoken." Her cheerful voice makes me cringe.

I open my mouth to ask her where we are but no sound came out. I try again but now my throat is throbbing from trying. She walks over to me and places a cool, damp washcloth on my forehead.

"We are on a Robin 264. On our way to the republic headquarters." She could tell by the look on my face that I was wondering. I try to speak again to demand what happened and why I can't speak, but no sound came out. Just dry pain roared through my neck.

"Don't try to speak Mr. Solo. Your vocal cords have been severely damaged from the sith commander's strike. My team have done everything that they can to fix you but you have, unfortunately, lost control of your legs and cannot speak."

My face drained from color. Trying to raise my hand to make her choke and die, an image of a girl popped into my mind. A helpless girl who is crying over the body of her enemy. A girl who is know, for her feats of bravery and valor and beauty, across the universe. As these images appear and disappear through my mind, I start to cry. The woman notices and comforts me by patting my shoulder. The ship rattles and I almost fall off the bed, luckily the woman holds the bed sturdy.

"Just entered atmosphere, preparing for landing." The comms blared in a monotone voice while the turbulence became unbearably worse. But the ship calmed down as it touched the ground.

"We had better get you on a chair for mobility. I know quite a few people would like to see you." With a wink she left. I prop myself up on the bed and my hair falls in my face. Maybe I should cut my hair? As I ponder off about my appearance the woman walks back into the room and hands me a white cloth that is supposedly clothing but it looks like a robe. I struggle to put my arms through until she helps me. Ugh why am I so helpless! Then she struggles to lift me into the chair, lucky for her I have great upper body strength so I could lift my torso up and she swung my legs over the chair.

The hovering chair is quite an old model but it would do, as for the speech... I don't know how I will communicate. But sooner than expected the bottom of the ship opened up to a forest. The people where rushing around, mostly taking stuff with them. But instead of fear on there faces, as it would have been during a war, but smiles for the people would get to see there families again. Family... I wonder-

"Oh my- that's Kylo Ren?! But I thought he was dead? Isn't he the supreme leader? What is he doing here? Does he want to surrender?" Peoples murmurs flood into my mind as I follow the woman. She leads me to what appears to be the main control room. Inside, people were dismantling the holographic maps, unwiring the control system and neatly packing the technology. A man with dark features starts to approach me and I stumble trying to move the chair up until he gets closer do I realize not to panic because this man was a friend of mine. I made peace with him during the fight with the sith.

I presumed he was my friend until he came an arms length away. He then slapped me. If I could use the force right now, you would be dead already. But alas he then tells me to follow him back out to the forest where a girl is practicing using laser bots, model 2:8:3.5. The same model I used to spar with. She suddenly stops and stares at us, looking like a deer in headlights, she drops her stick and starts to run towards me with silver streams of tears rushing down her face. I accelerate as fast as my hover would allow, as we race towards each other she trips on a tree root and face plants herself on the ground. I come to a stop just next to her and reach my hand as far as my legs would allow, and she gets onto her feet, with a smile on her lips she simply said "I've missed you." And jumped on me giving me a hug.

After a few seconds of our heartfelt embrace she moves off of me and pouts. "Did you not miss me as well? You've left me alone for almost 3 months." At the news of me being unconscious for 3 months my breath haltered. I forget for a moment that my speech has been impaired, and I attempt to tell her that I miss her but no noise could be heard. Only the movement of my lips could tell her that I've missed her since the moment my eyes closed.


Okay guys. I love the new Star Wars trilogy and this was just a short fluff piece because I hated the ending of the new rise of skywalker.

Totally didn't write this a LONG time ago

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