Teething. ((Brotherly Roman and Remus))❤️💚

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No matter what,it sucks.

Your gums hurt,

You've got a headache,

And all you want to do is chew and sleep.

Well,remus was going through that right now. And on top of that,he had sharp teeth.

So he was not a happy camper.

At the moment,remus was in his bed,curled into a ball under a blanket and chewing on a paci. He knew he shouldn't be chewing on it because he could bite through,but it was one of those raspberry tethers. 

Soon,he felt a pop as the rubber of his tether broke and colapsed around his teeth.


He sat up. Part of him knew to throw it away,but the other part didn't want to. That was his favorite tether. 

Tears threatened his eyes as the curtain that split the creativity twins' room got thinner.

You see,with the twins,the curtain between their rooms changes based on how they're feeling with eachother. So if it were a wall,nither of them wanted to talk.

Remus hardly ever cries,so when roman saw the curtain become clear tool,he knew something was up.

Roman got up and went over to the curtain,peeking in. His heart broke at the sight. Remus was curled into a ball,teether broke beside him,and chewing on a popsicle in an attempt to numb the pain.

Roman moved the tool away and went over to his brother,sighing at the sight of him crying over the pacifier he popped moments before. Roman sat beside him and Remus clung onto him.

"Hey..re what's wrong!whyre you crying?"

Remus pointed to his teeth,and it clicked for Roman. He nodded and picked him up.

"Awh your teeth hurt,huh? How about you let bubby take care of you for the night so your teeth feel better,hm?" He said,getting remus set up in a green onesie and white sweater.

The next step was to calm him down.

Roman brought Remus downstairs and to the kitchen and got a popsicle in a cup because remus bites them and if he just had the popsicle,he'd bite through the plastic.

Roman cut the top off and put the popsicle and put in in the cup,breaking it into peices with a spoon and handing it to remus,who gladly ate it to sooth his gum pain.

The next few hours were Roman giving remus a bath,and getting him to sleep.

Needless to say,remus was incredibly embarrassed when he woke up and the curtain wasn't there,

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