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Guess what?  This book is changing!

So do you guys remember how I keep asking people random polls like "what's your best/worst quality" and "which of the seven deadly sinuses the worst"?  Turns out I really like running polls so I'm making a book for them.  Welcome to...


Still here?  The pun didn't make you click out of the book?  Good, because there will be more of those.

This used to be my zodiac discussions book, which I'm not updating anymore, but we had some interesting conversations on it so I'm keeping them up for archiving purposes.  If you're here for the polls, skip the next few chapters.

So basically, whenever I think of a poll I'll post a chapter and you guys can respond with your answers!  Then when I put up the next poll, I'll include the results of the old one and an analysis.

Hope other people are as much poll nerds as I am!  Have fun!

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