15 || A Cold Bird

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Leonardo took a quick gander behind April and Vern and figured that it might be a great getaway tool. "Hey, man, can you drive that truck?" He asked Verm.

Vern nodded. "Yeah!"

"We're on Raph!" Leo said out loud. "Ready? Go!"

Raphael was the first to attack the Foot Clan. Then, his brothers join in by punching, kicking, and using their skills of Ninjitsu to fend them off.

Osa has no armor on her body. The only way to avoid being hurt or caught again is to hop inside the back of the semi-truck and hope things go according to whatever plan the Brothers had. "What a mess." She climbed on to the floor of the truck's trailer.

"Agreed!" Donnie hopped in as well. "Osa, stay close." He tells her, calculating the ETA of how long it may take them to get to New York. And right away, the truck began to move at a quick place while the brothers balanced inside the trailer. Mikey chose to be on top to get a good view and see any Foot showing up ahead of them.

"I-I should help!" Osa blurts to Donnie.

"Uh, no! You can barely stand." He replied quickly, not looking away from his devices on his wrist.

Osa knows that was false. She can breathe and move just fine. "Barely stand? I can stand okay!" Then, without giving Donnie a proper warning, Osa ran toward the open back of the truck and tested out her abilities for this hectic ride. Oa changed her shape into America's famous bird; the bald eagle. She takes to the air, flying above the semi-truck and screeching 'hello' to Mikey who rode on top of it.

Don groaned at the girl, getting a feeling that she will be a handful. All he hoped is that she wouldn't get hurt. "Great! She's gonna get herself injured or killed..." He looks at his leader in a blue mask.

"We gotta trust she'll be fine, Don," Leo told him. "What's the fastest way to Manhattan?"

Donnie took a look at his devices. "We just need to stay on this road!" He replied, looking at his maps on his holographic watch. "If we can make it to the maintenance hatch at the bottom of the hill, there's a sewer line 2.4 miles from here." He finished.

Leo called out to his brother, Mikey on top of the truck. "Yo, Mikey! Let them know up there!"

"I'm on it!" Mikey yelled, walking toward the front of the truck and sees a vehicle pull up in the middle of the road. A Foot Soldier peeks out from the top, aims his weapon, firing the missile at the semi. "Awe, no..."

The eagle was soaring, staying close to the truck. As soon as she saw the missile fire, she gasped. She shrieked in surprise, watching the truck nearly lose its balance. Luckily, everyone seemed to be okay. But now, the semi is on the edge of a short cliff that led to the bottom of the hill. "Guys!" Osa the eagle called, swooping to Donnie and Raph inside the truck. "That's a long way down." She hovered in front of their faces. 

"Down?!" Raph exclaimed, feeling the truck tip over and ski down the erratic mountain.

Osa screeched when she felt her bird body jolt forward, hitting Raph in the face. "Ah!" He yelled, blocking his face from nearly getting torn up by her talons.

"Sorry!" She apologized quickly before perching on Donnie's tech gear on his shell.

"Ugh!" Raph grunted, holding on to some red barrels while Donnie tended to his cracked shell. "How far off course, are we?" He asked Donnie.

Don looks at his maps and answered his brother. "Actually, we are on a bit of a short cut! But we need to keep going down! Straight down!"

While three brothers and an eagle in training were at the truck, Leo is having troubles of his own. He's sledding on his shell, trying to lose the Foot Clan in the heavy vehicles they drove. He's using his two noble katanas to steer himself through the snow, avoiding trees and other earth obstacles. Now, he is the victim of a taser that completely stuck to his plastron.

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