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I am running, running down a long corridor. It is dark, and I drown in the blackness of the night. The moonlight doesn't light the hallways. I am sure I have never been in such a grand, beautiful place. But, I wonder what it looked like, illuminated in the daylight. I would find out tomorrow, for now, I must find the... Great Hall... I think it's called.

I am not looking up, instead running frantically, not wanting to be late. I need to be sorted into my house. I collide into a tall figure, at least a lot taller than me. Considering I am extremely small for my age. 4 feet and 11 inches. I was, though, 15. I had just been expelled from my old magic school, Beauxbatons. 

I missed my friend, Fleur. I heard an event was taking place this year, a tri-wizard tournament. I look up, at the figure who stares down at me, his eyebrows furrowed. He had raven hair. A red scar rested on his head, like a lightning bolt. He had blue eyes, and circular-lens glasses. He had pale, clear skin. He was quite handsome.

He held out a hand, and I took it. He helped me to my feet and I dusted off my skirt. I looked up and he smiled, in which I returned. "I'm Harry, Harry Potter. And, who might you be?" He smiled. I gasped, and shook his hand. "Wow, Harry Potter himself. I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N. Glad to meet you!" I smiled.

He then looked me up and down, "What year are you? I haven't seen you before. Although, it is a pleasure to meet somebody as gracious as you." he winked. I blushed nervously, "I'm new. And I am going into forth year." 

He extended his hand in, which again, I took gladly. He lead me to the Great Hall and everybody stared. He released my hand from his grip and I walked forward, glares piercing holes in my body. Dumbledore stood up and clapped his hands, "Ahh... Miss L/N. Just in time, the first years have just been sorted!" he smiled. 

I nodded and he motioned me to sit on the stool. I did so, and he placed an old, battered hat on my head. The hat made a loud grumbling noise, making me flinch slightly. "Difficult, indeed. Let's see. Cunning, and like proving your points; although you're brave, and honest. You are extremely intelligent. Welcoming and friendly." it kept rambling on.

After five minutes of 'hmms' and 'difficults' it finally exclaimed, "I know, GRYFFINDOR!" I jumped at such a sudden shout that broke the deep, boring silence around me. I stood up and looked around. A table with green and silver stared, not cheering. A table with yellow and black cheered, and smiled.

A table with blue and bronze clapped, but not in an excited way; more a bored way. The table with red and gold stood up and clapped loudly. I assumed that was Gryffindor, and walked over. I sat down where the forth years were. Harry sat in front of me, grinning at me. A ginger, cute boy sat next to him, beaming at a gorgeous girl with puffy hair and brown eyes. 

She didn't realise, she was looking at me, grinning and congratulating me. I looked down the long table and saw 2 ginger boys. Twins. They had the same hair shade as the ginger boy. Maybe they were related? I looked down the other side. A pretty girl with freckles, pale skin and  blue eyes. 

I sighed, were they all related? It confused me, but I faced the front once again.

I was happy to be in such a welcoming house, and not that  green and silver house. Dumbledore stood, looking smug. He must have an announcement. His eyes flashed over to me for a second, but he quickly looked away.

EDIT: The Tom Riddle X Reader fic will still be continued, just less frequent with this as well. 

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