Chapter One: Chasing Demons

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Chapter One: Chasing Demons

I hop down the stairs, and grab my bow and arrow off the hook. Foster is waiting for me at the round kitchen table, a fake smile on his normally stern face. "Happy seventeenth!"

An unattractive snort escapes my nostrils as I lace up my converse. I hear Foster's chair scrape across the floor. His feet appear in my field of vision, but I pretend that I can't see them. "Where do you think you're going?"

I stand up to my full height, and glare at his tired, middle-aged face, "Out."

This time, he is the one that snorts, "Do you really think I am going to let you go?"

I grit my teeth angrily, "Today is just like any other day. I am going to go out there, and kill some demons."

"But today, your demon is going to find you. I can't have you in an insecure enviroment."

"You and I both know that you are nothing but a guardian, and that I get the final say. So, I am going, and that is that."

My footsteps echo down the hallway, and I make my way outside. I slam the front door closed, and march down the porch stairs. I start running into the surrounding woods, being as silent as possible. Once I find a large, lush, tree, I start to climb it. Soon I find myself perched on a branch, my bow at ready.


Okay, what's the big idea? I have been waiting around for three hours, and I havn't seen a single demon. I guess I will go looking for trouble. I jump down from the tree, using the air around me to soften my fall. My blue eyes scan the vast area around me. A smirk dances on my lips, I guess I will go to the lake.

No Savior is to ever go to the lake, not if they want to come out alive. Especially once you turn seventeen, it is the last place you want to go. I am not scared of my demon in the least bit. I am the second best Savior in the country, behind an 18 year old boy I have yet to meet. My demon will not take me down, I will not allow it.

The area around the lake is foggy, and completely still. Carefully, I step into the fog, and it is as if the lake has been deserted. The only foot prints in the soggy mud are mine, indicating that no demons have exited the lake today. I bite my lip in thought, but they could have jumped from the lake to the trees... Slowly, I look up, and I literally can't see anything past the fog.

A deep chuckle resonates through the moist air, "Scared?"

"Not in the least." I reply calmly, even though my heart feels like it is thudding out of my chest. I hear feet slam into the ground, and a cool sweat forms on my brow. The footsteps advance, and I reach for an arrow behind my back, but I quickly decide it is useless. I place the bow around my shoulder, and I prepare to use any of my gifts.

"I won't kill you yet." He growls.

My eyes scan the area around me, trying to find the demon. "You won't kill me ever."

"I wouldn't be too sure of that. You sure are stupid, coming to the lake and all."

My voice is laced with hatred, "Show yourself, and stop being such a coward."

The first thing that appear are gleaming green eyes, and they strike a chord on my heart strings. "Do you remember me Ember?" His voice is almost teasing, but it is still murderous.

I feel like all the wind has been knocked out of me, "Aker?"

The green eyes disapear, and I suddenly feel terribly alone. Never before have I been so frightened, so the only thing I could think to do, is run. More sweat trickles down my face and back, and I know I must be a sight to see. Tears start mixing with the sweat, and my brain cannot comprehend what is happening. Aker, that sweet boy I met when I ran away when I was eleven. For three years after he would appear at my window, and he was my breath of fresh air.

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