chapter 8

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harry styles is the definition of sex im out


"So are you going to just stare at it, or would you rather see how great of a chef I am?" Harry clasps his hands together, watching me.

"So pushy," I chuckle, sticking my fork into the cheesy pasta on my plate.

He made some sort of spaghetti-like meal, except the pasta wasn't in noodle shape- they were bowties.

I take a small bite of it, savoring the texture of creamy tomato on my fork along with the rich taste of the melted cheese. Honestly, it was delicious. I could probably eat another plate if I was hungry enough.

"So?" Harry clears his throat when I take the second bite. When I look up at him, he's wriggling his thin eyebrows with his arms crossed against his chest.

"It's actually better than I predicted it to be," I say, taking another bite. Before speaking again, I make sure to fully swallow the hot cheese so that I will not burn myself. "What is it called?"

"Hmm," he hums, holding a long finger to his soft chin underneath his lower lip. "I was thinking about naming it Spe-ghetto."

I can't help but let my laughter take over towards his mini 'joke'. Harry takes in the sight of me laughing with his dimpled grin, proud that he'd made me laugh.

"Gabrielle never laughed at my jokes," he spoke.

"Why not? They're cute," I pointed out.

Harry only shrugged. "She didn't think I was funny, really."

"Well," I look up at him and smile lightly. "I do."

One corner of his mouth tilts upwards before he looks down at the wooden table as if in deep thought. While he did this, I ate nearly all the food on my plate.

Looking up at me after two or so minutes, a small smirk forms at the corners of his lips. "Do you drink?"

I shrug, pursing my lips. "Not really. It depends on what it is that i'm drinking."

"How about Champagne? I have that."

"Um," One drink wouldn't hurt. "Sure."

Harry swiftly walked over to the cabinets and took out two glasses, along with a bottle of Champagne. It wasn't extremely expensive, but it was almost blatantly obvious that it was nowhere close to the cheap version. He managed to hold both glass cups in one hand while using the other for the bottle when he made his way to the table.

Neatly, Harry placed both cups onto the table and I watched carefully as his long fingers unscrewed the cap. He filled both cups until they were half empty, and lifted his cup only inches above the table carefully.

I follow his move, holding the thin part underneath, between my two fingers.

" friendships?" He spoke in more of a question.

"To new friendships," I confirm, tapping my cup lightly with his and creating a perfect ring to vibrate throughout the air.

I immediately let the cool liquid ease down my throat, tipping my head back in the process. I obviously haven't had a drink in quite a while, so maybe this is good for me.


One drink turns into three, and after that- three more. Harry hadn't drank as much as I did, but he did drink a nice amount.

Now, though- instead of sitting across from each other at the table- we were lazily sat across the couch, unaware and careless about the time that it was.

"You really do eat a lot of bananas!" I giggle, poking him in the shoulder until he finally cracks a dimpled, sloppy smile. Why is Harry just so cute?

"I can't help it. I think that if I was a monkey, i'd steal everyone's bananas," he laughs, playing with the loose string on my knee pant leg.

"Why can't you just do that now?"

Harry's eyes widen at me. "Because then i'd go to jail! I can't go there, nobody would bail me out!"

I raise my hand as if I were asking a question at grade school. "I would."

"Thank you," he smiles, leaning his head on my shoulder- his curls sprawling across it. They look so voluminous and bouncy, I want to touch them so badly so I decide to play with them in my finger.

Harry hums to himself in relaxation, his head becoming heavier on my shoulder. When I thought he was asleep, he spoke up quietly.

"Bonnie, I want to forget about her."

I sigh, hiccuping a bit. "Think about something else then." Shrugging is hard when someone is laying on your shoulder.

"But it's not that easy," he pouts, sitting up at looking at me. Harry is just so beautiful; the way his eyebrows shade his emerald-colored eyes perfectly, his jawbone structure shaping every single feature on his face, it all has me at awe. Did I see how pretty he was before?

I look away from him. "I want to forget about Steven too. He was a douche bag, and I don't love him."

Harry points out, "Yes you do. I know you do."

"I know," I bury my head in my hands, frustrated with myself. "I was only trying to convince myself that I didn't."

Feeling Harry's hands on my wrists, he pulls them away from my eyes. "Hey, it's alright. I still love Gabrielle too, and she treated me like shit most of the time."

I sigh heavily, because I could relate. "Steven came into my dorm room one night and he was so drunk and angry. He said he was pissed at me for missing his phone call, and when I tried to tell him that I didn't get any call from him, he hit me. He said I lied to him, and that I didn't deserve to be his girlfriend."

Harry listens attentively to me, as I go on, my eyes brimming with tears.

"I was so desperate that night. When he apologized to me for yelling, I quickly forgave him and he said that he wanted to prove his love for me. I didn't know what to do because I was just so in love with him, and I thought I was ready...I t-thought that it would be alright to-"

Harry quickly engulfed me into his large arms, soothingly rubbing my back with his hands. "Luna, i'm sorry. Steven is a fucking dick who doesn't deserve you."

I nuzzled my cheek into Harry's shoulder, "Thanks, fruit boy."

While he lightly chuckles, I feel his chest rise and fall against me. Why does he have to be so understanding, and great looking? Why is Harry everything that i'd want a boy to be for me?

"You know what, Harry?" I look up at him, his pink lips curling into a smile.


"I think we deserve each other," I whisper to him, while he smiles at me.

Looking at eachother, our faces turn a little more serious before Harry decides to lean in, attaching his pink, plump lips with mine. I can taste the raspberry Champagne on his mouth, while I use my hands to cup his cheeks.

All I can say is that this moment right now, feels better than anything i've felt in my life. And every part of me is enjoying every little bit of it.



thoughts on this chapter????

for those of u who dont know, this is a short story so yeahhh



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