chapter 9

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harry is just so cute look at him laughing in the pic aw >>>>


"Holy shit, where have you been all night?!" Crystal nearly knocks me over with a hug once I make it in our dorm room. Why is she even up at this time?

"Just out," I shrug, feeling a little queasy from her tight hug while I softly push her arms away.

"Yeah," she scoffs, staring at me. "Out from two in the afternoon until four in the morning! Where were you?"

I am slightly annoyed at the way she treats me because I am an adult and can make my own decisions without her. "You're not my mother, Crystal. I can go places without your approval."

"Oh my god," she pauses. "Were you away with that Harry guy? Is that why you and him were gone the same amount of time?" My best friend accuses, correctly.

My mouth quickly answers, falsely, without giving it much thought, "No, I wasn't."

"Did you get laid? Is that why your hair is messed up?"

"Have you ever thought about bad hair days?! God!" I announce annoyed, and partially still sleepy before I make my way to my bed. "Now if you don't mind, I am going to sleep now."

"Fine. This isn't over, though. I hope you know that."

I groan to the sound of her voice and attempt to block it out by shoving my face further into my pillow.


"Harry, you scared the hell out of me!" I nearly yell, as his hand pulls me further into the janitors closet.

A dimpled grin spreads across his face as he shrugs and adjusts his backpack on his shoulder, "That's what I was going for."

"Right," I playfully roll my eyes, chuckling. "How did you even get the key for the janitors closet?" I ask him.

Harry smiles and dangles a single key in his fingers before shoving it into his jean pocket, "I have my ways, Luna."

"Sure you do," I chuckle and take a look around at the cleaning supply."This is new, do you always come in here?"


"Then why now?"

"Because, it's nice to try something new right? After all, I tried you last night and I quite enjoyed it, if you know what I mean," he wriggles his eyebrows and gasp.

"It was pretty steamy," he adds, smirking.

I only vaguely remember what we had done last night considering I wasn't as sober as he was, which would explain the fact that he had remembered a lot of the events that played after we made out on his couch. It felt nice knowing that my mind wasn't on Steven, and that he had helped me only think about what was occurring.

"Honestly," Harry's tone is more serious now. "The whole time, you made me forget about how broken I had been. The only thing on my mind, was you."

I am about to say something, but he quickly continues with his finger up.

"Actually, another thing on my mind was how I should have made you buy me more bananas," he smiles, innocently. "But most of the time I was thinking about you, I swear it."

"You're such a goofball," I finally say.

"Am not," he pouts.

"Are too," I playfully argue, stepping closer with my arms crossed.

"No," he places his large hands firmly on my hips. "But you can call me Fred Flinstone."

I lift an eyebrow, confused. "Why?"

"I can make your bed rock."

Cupping a hand over my mouth, I stifle a laugh. Of course, he would pull some dirty joke on me. But I enjoyed it, honestly, and I wasn't complaining one bit.

"I should have known," I shake my head while he smiles down at me, taking my chin up with his finger.

Before his tall, lanky figure can bend down to kiss me someone opens the door and the two of us jolt back.

"Sorry kids, but I need to clean out the bathrooms now. You can't be in here," a janitor tells us, and I blush heavily while I walk past him out of the small closet.

Looking to see that nobody is in the hallway, I turn around to Harry and he nods as if he already knows what i'm about to say.

"Go tell your nosey friend that you were using the restroom, or something," he says, brushing a hand through his curls.

"Yeah, alright."

Just like that, the two of us went our separate ways for the lunch period as if it were a normal day. For moment, I stand and watch his brown boots click against the tile ground in the hallway before I turn around and go the opposite way myself. I wish it wasn't like that, though. We had become so 'secretive' that Harry wouldn't even eat in the same cafeteria as me during lunch time. I asked him why he wouldn't anymore, and he claimed it was only because he hated everyone there but I knew that wasn't true. I assumed that it was for a different reason, mainly because he would tell me to ignore him as if he wasn't even there- but I couldn't simply do that. I had to sneak at least one look at him because I couldn't help it. In fact, I think it's gotten to the point where I am full on staring at him and people are becoming suspicious. Should I care, though? Should I be aware of the fact that people might label me as the girl who is infatuated with the strange boy who carries his backpack everywhere he goes?

I mean yes, it was quite normal to carry a backpack to a Uni, but the fact that Harry never put it down while he was out places- he carried it as if it were his prized possesion, and clutched it so tightly to his side, he would take it everywhere with him. But with me, it seemed different. In fact, I recall him putting it down when I was with him.

He placed it on the cushion of the couch while we talked. And while we were intimate, I don't remember him ever bringing it inside the room. It was almost as if he were shutting the memories of her out completely while he was with me. And even though I don't carry around an item that reminded me of Steven, I myself had seemed different around Harry. It was a feeling I could not describe.

"There you are!" Crystal picks into her pasta while I sit down, without a tray of food because i'm not hungry anymore.

"Yep," I nod, aware that she might ask me questions about last night. "I was using the loo," I quickly add.

"So i've come to realization," she chews on her noodles. "That you were right about me not being your mother. I'm sorry for getting all in your business, and for assuming dumb things."

Being with Harry isn't dumb, I wanted to say but instead I just forgave her and let her yap the rest of lunch about how her boyfriend, James, got a promotion. I know she isn't bragging, though, because Crystal isn't like that- she just loves to talk.

After lunch, I quickly make my way to my locker to take my textbooks out and I feel someone tap me from behind.

When I see it's Niall, I sigh relieved.

"Hey, what happened to ya yesterday? You weren't there when I came back out," he asks, his blue eyes full of curiosity and wonder.

"Oh, i'm sorry. I just...remembered that I had a late assignment I had to turn in before the day was over, that's all." I quickly think of a lie, shutting my locker.

"Okay," he smiles before a look of worry is spread across his features. "Oh yeah the reason I came here was...uh, remember Harry, the lad you were lookin' for?"

"What about him, Niall?" I ask, anxious for him to tell me whatever he was going to say.

"I think he's in trouble."



hi pls vote and comment ok sugar plums lmao

what do u think niall means by harry being in trouble hmmm

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