Chapter Five

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  Hearing the noise, Harry made his way downstairs and nodded in greeting to Blaise. The two weren't anywhere near friends, they never would be. But he recognized they were on the same side.

When his eyes landed on Tom however, his jaw clenched and he turned back around to go into the war room.

Tom sighed, not surprised, but he wondered if there was any way he'd be able to talk to the boy. An apology would never suffice, he knew that it would probably only get himself hexed. He tried to insert himself into Harry's mindset. What would he do if the person responsible for all his pain was suddenly brought forth, but he couldn't enact revenge?

He would go mental, and if he were being honest, he'd act out regardless.

He wasn't able to connect further beyond that. His future self had killed Harry's parents.

Sure, his own were dead, but he was responsible for both of their passings. He killed his mother in childbirth and murdered his father. For years he thought they might be the source of his suffering, or what he thought might be suffering. It was hatred. But after he killed his father he still felt it deeper in his bones, it'd be with him forever. The feeling even stronger since he'd split his soul.

Part of him wondered if just trying to talk to Harry would be a good idea, perhaps try to convince him he was there to aid the Order. He shook his head, Tom knew that wasn't what the boy wanted.

Harry wanted him dead.

Tom's eyes returned back to Delilah and this boy who she apparently knew, it was obvious they were close. Blaise was his name, and his eyes burned a bit when he noticed his hands rested on her hips for a moment. It wasn't a long interaction between the two, but it felt like it.

It was clear she missed him, and that part at the back of Tom's head wondered if they used to be something more. Their body language was apparent.

His jaw clenched at the thought of them being previous lovers. This jealousy felt like a disease in his chest, he'd never been jealous before. Not over someone else. He wanted this sensation gone and tried to reassure himself Delilah was his. He probably knew her better than anyone else, surely he's seen more of her than anyone in this pathetic little resistance of theirs.

They'd shown each other their true colors long ago.

Delilah was still hiding a part of herself from them, that dangerous part that could reign hell on anything beloved.

To them she was just another fighter in the war, collateral damage. Yes, he knew they cared for her. But there was only so much room for keeping personal relationships and grieving during a time like this.

They had thought she died and moved on. To Tom he thought with little difficulty, which he took issue with.

He snapped out of his when he felt her eyes on him.

Blaise was staring at him, "so that's... him."

Delilah nodded, watching her friend closely. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, Blaise was always careful with his words. Back at Hogwarts he never talked much, he was the mysterious one in Malfoy's inner circle. It was a surprise to everyone when it became known they were friends.

No one ever found out about their few escapades of having sex, though.

She'd like to keep it that way.

Finally he looked down at her, "can we talk in private?"

Delilah looked to Tom for a moment, they barely had any time with each other now. But she hadn't seen Blaise in months. "Yeah, c'mon."

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