Chapter Six

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  After she worked up the courage to leave the study, Delilah headed back downstairs to the kitchen. Tom, that was the only person she wanted to see right now.

Of course she missed Blaise and was elated with seeing him again. But she hadn't realized the toll it would take on her. She hadn't seen him for nearly a year and it almost felt as if they were strangers. Strangers who once knew each other, but not any more. There seemed to be a wall between them she hadn't the energy to break it down.

Stopping in the kitchen doorway, his seat was empty.

"Dean?" she called.

"Hm?" He was currently stocking up the cupboard with potions.

"Have you seen - where did they take him? Back to his room?"

"I would assume so."

"You didn't see them?"

He sighed and turned to look at her, the war had aged him. His eyes were heavier than she remembered and there were a few new scars littering his features.

"I don't exactly want to look at him."

Her heart hurt at what Tom being here was doing to everybody. She knew she wouldn't ever get them to understand that he wasn't like that creature yet. Voldemort robbed all of them from their youths. She didn't blame them.

A moment of silence passed and she gave him a mute smile and nod before turning around. Bill and her brother are typically the ones who move him, so she headed to her Harrison's room.

Delilah would just head to where he had been being held, but no one would tell her which room. She tried searching all of them the night before but came up fruitless, there were probably wards around it to keep people away. Most notably her and Harry.

Annoyance flickered when Harrison's room was empty, as well as panic due to her mother being sat at the desk inside. Quickly and quietly, she shut the door and continued down the hall.

She'd been successful in avoiding them for the most part and she preferred to keep it that way. Delilah had never been fond of her parents, and she knew they didn't particularly like her either. They loved her,yes. But didn't like her.

Eventually she knocked on Hermione's door, who thankfully answered a few seconds later.

"Have you seen Harrison?"

"He's out on a scouting mission, for a new safe house location."

"Do you know when he'll be back?"

Hermione's brows furrowed, "no, why?"

Delilah peaked around her and her friend shook her head, "Ron's in the war room with Harry, it's okay." Stepping aside, she let the girl in the room and Delilah took to sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hermione, please answer me truthfully."

Giving her a concerned look, she sat next to Delilah and rested a hand on her shoulder. "What is it?"

"Do you know what room they're holding Tom in? Please, I just need to see him for a few minutes and then I'll go. No one will know I was there."

"Delilah you know I can't-"

"So you know where he is then?" The desperation in her voice was nearly painful.

Hermione bit her lip but shook her head, "I don't know what room, I just know Kingsley is in charge of his holding. Where Tom was kept was under strict need to know. I don't blame them for not telling me, Merlin knows Harry would've found some way to get it out of me."

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