[5]Lets Go See Nekoma Again

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{third person POav}
"you what?"

"we wanted to join your team" hito repeated everyone looked at each other and smiled

"you guys are in" suga announce

Hito and hiro bowed in thank and kiyoko went up to Yuki and whispered something, Yuki nodded in agreement.

"alright lets get to practice!" daichi yelled and everyone nodded and went to the court

As everyone started to practice the coach came and he was surprised to see us. Daichi and sugawara explained that the siblings will be joining their team, he smiled and they all continued.

The team took a break and started to stretch.

{hito pov}
"Brother could you do it a little harder and lower" i ask my brother and he did it way to hard but I kinda liked it that way

"isn't that to hard?" suga asked and I shook my head no

"it doesn't hurt actually" I spoke

{third person POV}
While everyone was stretching the coach was thinking on something

'I can't count on the neighborhood association always being available. What should I do?' while he was thinking Takeda came in and fell down grabbing everyone's attention.

"uncle! You OK? Your nose is bleeding" Yuki ran to her uncle and wipe his bloody nose with a handkerchief

"yes Thank you Yuki, we're going right?" Takeda asked making everyone confuse

"where?" hinata asked

"Tokyo" Takeda showed a paper that said tokyo

Everyone was surprised


Takeda nodded

"you mean...... Nekoma?!" hinata. Exclaimed

"a practice match?" kageyama asked

Yuki helped Takeda stood up

"but, we won't be playing just nekoma this time" Takeda said and the duo's heads tilted in confusion

"the fukurodani academy group, it's a group of schools from the Kanto region includes Nekoma, Apparently, they hold practice matches regularly. Thanks to coach nekoma ta, we will be able to take part this time." Takeda explained

" groups like that are created through relationships built up over year's, so it's not easy to get in without connections. We'll have to make sure to thank coach nekomata. And Mr. Takeda here, who I'm sure kept persistently asking him. "ukai turned to the team

" No, I didn't really... Coach Ukai's name helped alot. "Takeda replied

" Thank you"everyone bowed

"over the years, we've lost connections with other schools in the prefecture that we used to be friendly with. There are many schools where the coaches that were once close to coach ukai are now gone, we shouldn't pass up this opportunity" Takeda said

"Yeah!" everyone yelled and the siblings smiled

" i'm going to be able to see that setup up close again" kageyama said with determination

" this time i'm going to protect us till we win" nishinoya yelled

" we're going to take down that city boy alliance!" Tanaka yelled

"city boy..." tsukishima giggled

"alliance?" hiro questioned

" i'm gonna break through their blocks this time for sure" hinata said in excitement

The Winter grand kings(A.K.A The winter wolf's)  Haikyuu x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now