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Today was a practice match with nekoma and daichi called everyone to gather round.

" our first game today is nekoma, how did we do yesterday?" coach ukai asked

"this will be our third set overall with nekoma, yesterday we played two sets with them, the scores were 17-25 and 19-25,both our losses." kiyoko replied

"simply put, we haven't won a single set but if we come down and go out there and full force they should be opponents we can fight on equal footing hinata and kageyama this is your first nekoma set in a while isn't it?" ukai questioned the duo.

" go show them what you got"ukai smirked


The whistle blew and the match was about to start when hinata looked at lev who was smiling.

"Come one! Bring it!"

{in the infirmary}
Kenny woke up from his sleep taking of his glasses and rubbing his eyes.

"oh, i must have slept" he noticed he was blanket around his body he look to his left seeing a hot chocolate and a note saying.

Dear kenny,
           If your reading this, then pls drink the chocolate, the person who wrote this is me, hito, me and my siblings woke up at 3 am cause we finally got our energy back but we decided to rest more, pls take a lot of rest and drink this

From your master hito, Yuki and hiro

This made Kenny smiled and drank the hot chocolate, it was sweet and hot, it made him feel happy, so he got up and fold the blanket, he drank more of the hot chocolate  and finished. Kenny could hear the whistle blow.

'so the Match ended..'kenny placed the cup down and went outside to see karasuno doing diving drills. As he noticed the coach walk out with hinata.

' so he is in trouble'Kenny thought and went beside takeda

"is young hinata in trouble sir Takeda?" kenny whispered and Takeda nodded

{time skips}
It was time to leave but the siblings were still sleeping and resting. So they all decided that they would have to leave them behind until they will come back at Tokyo.

" kenny will you promise to stay with them in the mean Time?"takeda asked Kenny as he nodded

Karasuno hopped on their truck and left Tokyo.

{at night}

Kenny and coach nekoma ta  decided to visit at the infirmary when they saw hito up in his bed, same with hiro and Yuki.

" o-oh all of your are awske"kenny said

" kenny? Coach nekomata? Where is everyone? "Yuki asked and the coach explained that they had to leave but they will come back soon.

" oh ok... Um coach nekomata? Is it OK for us to practice in one of the gyms? "hito asked and he nodded

" thank you come one let's get to work guys"hito said, he bowed at the coach and head to the empty gym.

"this should be good, Yuki would you mind toss us some balls?" hiro asked and Yuki nodded went to get the ball.

"OK ready boys?" Yuki asked and both of them nodded, she tossed the ball high and hiro got into position to set, he set it fast at hito as he spiked the ball.

The Winter grand kings(A.K.A The winter wolf's)  Haikyuu x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now