Dazai & Chuuya Helping S/O w/ Knotted Hair Because of Depression

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Requested from Tumblr by Anon:

Hello! Since requests are open, may I request for Dazai & Chuya from bsd (separately) with a s/o who's hair is basically messed up, like knotted really really bad after months of not taking care of it because of depression. How would they handle it? Would they help her sort it out? How would they? I am so sorry if it's weird but I really need some sort of comfort. I understand if you feel uncomfortable writing this! Thanks in advance.

Warning(s): Depression themes


Dazai Osamu

Immediately he could recognize what was going on, all too acquainted with the bells and whistles of depression himself.

And he gets it. He absolutely understands.

Dazai has most likely been in a near identical place that you are now, in bed and unable to do anything, including taking care of oneself.

In the beginning he let it slide, wanting to gauge what kind of moves you'd make in the coming days. Is this depressive episode a short one or a longer one? Will you pop back yourself or not?

Now though, that it's come this far, so far that if he was to run his fingers through your locks like he's done so many times before and loose hairs follow or knotted clumps can be pulled from the ends, Dazai knows this is the time he has to step in.

"My beautiful belladonna..." his voice is devoid of all the usual playfulness as he steps into your shared room, taking a seat at the side of the bed beside your lying form. Slowly he leans forward, placing a chaste kiss to your nose, absentmindedly twirling a strand of unknotted hair that's separated from the rest. His eyes that could be described as hazel stare into your own orbs, a serious look in them.

"How long has it been?"

"Three weeks..." there was little to no hesitation when it came to answering, you knew full well what he was referring to. It still didn't stop Dazai's brows from furrowing though. A beat of silence passes, nothing but the sound of your mixed breathing in the room, before an idea comes forth.

"I'll be right back, okay?" He told you, standing and making his way into another room. When the sound of running water filled the quiet space you couldn't help the confusion that came over you. What was he planning this time?

Minutes later and the water stopped and Dazai emerged through the open bathroom door.

Wordlessly he slipped his lanky arms under your knees and behind your back. About to question his actions, maybe even protest against them, all the words died in your throat the moment you saw his expression. It pleaded that you trust him this once, a warmth in them that tells you he's trying to help and that he cares so much.

And you find yourself subtlety nodding, giving permission for him to lift you out of bed for perhaps the first time in awhile. Carrying you to the side of the tub Dazai set you down onto your feet. Lithe fingers started to work on taking your shirt off, movement slow and calculated, leaving the opportunity for you to stop him and do it yourself if you want.

You don't, and Dazai continues until you're bare. He gestures vaguely to the still water awaiting you and you dip your toes in it. It's warm is the first thing you note as you lower the rest of your body, and it smells exactly like the bath salt that you gifted your boyfriend as a joke for his birthday. 

Rolling his sleeves up, Dazai kneels to the ground, grabbing a bowl he'd placed nearby earlier and filled it. Tilting your head back, he covers your eyes as he pours the liquid onto your head, doing this a few times until your hair is thoroughly soaked before he starts to wash it. Finally, what he's doing makes sense.

"'m sorry..." The apology is unprompted, but it just felt right in that moment. He has to help you, he should have to though... and you continue to stare blankly at the rippling water. Dazai hums, stops and hooks his forefinger under your chin, moving your gaze up to meet his.

"There's nothing for you to be sorry for my love. You told me that it's okay to ask for help sometimes, so let me help you like you've helped me in the past..." he whispered, voice soothing, "I love you my belladonna..."

He's helping you, he'll do things for you when you can't - because he loves you that much... it's okay to ask for his help...

"...I love you too, Osamu..."

Nakahara Chuuya

He saw that you weren't acting like you usually do, but unfortunately, he didn't connect the dots properly and figured you were just extremely tired. Maybe something happened at work?

Chuuya didn't question it either, hoping that you'd come to him if something was bothering you... yet when you didn't and he could visibly see the toll it was taking on you, his worry grew to the point he just couldn't ignore it anymore. He figured that a good wash was a step in the right direction.

"Take a damn shower!" It sounds harsh, especially when his voice is just a little louder than the tone he usually uses with you, and he internally kicks himself for it, but under it lies raw emotion.

Fear, confusion. Chuuya doesn't understand all that well what you're going through and it hurts him to not know how he can help. But he also knows that what you're feeling is far worse.

So, while you soak in the rain of the shower, the mafia executive calls up an old colleague. Dazai.

He's reluctant at first, but the thought of reaching out to someone who's a little more... experienced, someone that might have a piece of advice that could help, well, he's willing to swallow the burning hate towards the other male just this once.

He's grateful to hear the seriousness that drips in Dazai's voice, and every word that the brunet says he mentally notes, taking it all to heart. After five minutes, Dazai has said all he could on the matter and the call ends.

Half an hour passes and you step out of the bathroom, fresh, warm clothes adoring your body, no doubt your boyfriend being the one who warmed them in the dryer and set them in the bathroom for you. Aimlessly you walked into the living room, the sight of Chuuya sitting crossed legged on the couch coming into view. The moment he sees you he stands, delicately latching onto your hand and pulling you back down onto his lap.

The thump of his heartbeat calms you somewhat, as well as the soothing strokes he does on your back.

Something Dazai said was that not everyone is willing to open up, even if they're a loved one, and that you can't always outright ask what's going on either. As frustrating as it is for him, Chuuya remains silent, running his free hand through your still damp hair, fewer tangles than there was before you bathed.

Whether anything is revealed about your depression is completely up to you. Chuuya will listen to every syllable that leaves the lips he loves oh so much, or, if you don't, he'll simply continue to stroke your hair and rub your back, planting feather light kisses to your temple.

What he does regardless of if you say something or not is that he'll stay right by your side, supporting you however he can. He'll talk to you if you're up for it, cuddle you, give you some space if need be, shower or soak in the tub with you if it helps, you name it Chuuya will do it.

These things take time and he's willing to put as much time aside for you as you need.

Anything for the person he cherishes most.

"Never forget that I love you, alright? You'll get through this 'cause you're strong, I know you are."

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