The Poppy Horror Picture Show

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The Leaders, Branch, Cooper And Z We're Telling Scary Stories To Each Other.

Trollzart Said, "The Ghost Followed The Trolls Inside Her Home. She Turned, Heart In Her Throat."

Trollzart Locked His Eyes With Poppy, "Their Eyes Locked."

Cooper Hugged His Little Sister In Fear While Z Rubbed His Back In Comfort.

"This Was The End... Of Loneliness!"

Everyone Except Barb, Branch And Z Went, "Aww!"

"The Two Embraced, A Hug For The Ages, And Lived Happily Ever After." Trollzart Finished The Story.

Everyone Applaused.

"What A Twist." Trollex Said.

"Yeah, Another Ghost Story Where The Ghost And The Troll Fall In Love." Z Said, Sarcatically.

"Shocker." Z, Barb And Branch Said In Unsion.

"Trollzart, Thrilling As Always." Delta Said.

"Does Anyone Else Have A Tale? Perhaps Our Special Guest?" Essence Asked.

Their Special Guest Was Bridget.

"Well, I Do. But Troll Scary Stories Are Way Different Than Bergen Ones." Bridget Warned.

"We Don't Care. Tell It!" Barb Said.

"Tell It! Tell It!" They Chanted.

"Well, Okay!" Bridget Said As She Shined A Light In Her Face.

The Leaders, Branch, Cooper And Z Gasped.

"It Was A Night Just Like This. Two Teens Wanted The Time Of Their Lives And They Got It."


On The Outside Of Bergen Town, Two Bergen Teens Named, Janet And Derrick, Was Sitting On A Log.

Derrick Said, "Hey, Janet. Thanks For Coming With Me To Hold Hands Point."

Janet Heard Something In The Bushes.

"Wait, Derrick, I Hear Something. What If It's The Greygon Monster?" Janet Asked, A Little Scared.

Derrick Scoffed, "Janet, It's Just The Wind. Now... [Spritzing]... Shall We? Shah."

"I Feel So Close To You." Janet Said.

Then, The Greygon Came Out Of The Bushes, Janet And Derrick Screamed In Horror, And The Greygon Came Towards Them.


Everyone Except Barb And Z Hugged Each Other.

"But Janet And Derrick, They Were Okay, Right?" Prince D Asked.

"Yeah, What Happened To Them?" Barb And Z Asked, Excitedly.

"Uh-Huh, They Were Found The Next Day... In Pieces!" Bridget Said.

Everyone Except Poppy, Branch, Barb And Z Screamed In Fear While Turning Their Hair White And Ran Away.

"Guys? Guys?" Poppy Called Out.

"Ah, I Think They Liked It. Watermelon?" Bridget Asked As She Eats One Of The Watermelon.


The Next Morning, Poppy, Branch, Barb And Z Were Preparing Pastries For The Others.

"Ugh. I Feel Awful. But How Was I To Know Bridget's Scary Story Would Be So... Scary?" Poppy Asked.

"Well, She Did Say Bergen Scary Stories Were Way Different From Troll 'Scary' Stories." Z Pointed Out.

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