Tour Guide Of Duty

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In Pop Village, Z Is Hosting The Volunteer Draft And Everyone Is Excited To Do Their Part.

"Trolls In Need Of Help. A Community Eager To Lend A Hand. But Who Will Be Chosen? We'll Find Out At... The Volunteer Draft!" Z Announced.

All Of The Trolls Cheered.

"And With The First Pick In The Draft, Delta Needs Teaching Her Niece, Clampers, How To Ride Her Bicycle." Z Said.

The Crowd Said, "Aw!"

"So, Delta, Who's It Going To Be?" Z Asked As She Passed The Microphone To Delta.


The Trolls Are Trying To Convince Delta To Help Her.

"Um... Well, I Choose... Synth!" Delta Said.

"Yeah!" Synth Exclaimed, High Fiving Val Thundershock.

"Whoo!" Synth Cheered.

"Wow, My First Volunteer Draft As A Prince!" Cooper Exclaimed.

"And My First Volunteer Draft! Is It Just Me Or Do Guys Feel Really Great Right Now?" Branch Asked.

"Not Just You Two. That's What Helping Trolls In Need Does." Rhythm Stated.

"It Brings Out The Very Best In Us. I Love You." Blues Said.

"I Love You, Too."

"Ooh!" The Two Funk Trolls Said As They Hugged Each Other.

"This Feels Great." Rhythm Said.

"I Know." Blues Said.

"And With The Second Pick In The Draft, Lownote Jones Needs... "Help Getting His Sousaphone Unclogged"? Is There A Kid In That Thing?" Z Asked, Confused.

Lownote Jones Took The Microphone And Said, "I Choose..."

"Me, Me, Me, Me! Me!" Cooper Exclaimed.

"Laguna Tidepool, Time To Scrub In, Baby!" Lownote Declared.

"You Got It, Lownote Jones. Yeah!" Lauguna Tidepool Exclaimed.

"Huh. I Thought We Were A Shoo-in There." Cooper Said.

But Be Patient, Cooper. We'll Get Picked. It's Just A Matter Of Time." Branch Assured.


The Volunteer Draft Was Almost Over And Cooper Still Hasn't Got Picked.

Z Said, "And With the Last Pick In The Draft..."

"Us, Right Here!" Cooper Called.

"Sheriff Gus, Who Do You Choose?" Z Asked.

"Let Me See." Laguna Said.

"Us! Come On, Please!" Branch Pleaded.

"I'll Take... The Rock!" Gus Said.

"The Rock? But You Need Someone To Teach How To Play A Guitar, And You Picked A Rock?" Branch Asked, Confused.

"Well, Frankly, Boys, It Wouldn't Be My First Choice, But We All Know Cooper Gets Carried Away In These Kinds Of Situations And How Branch Doesn't Like To Be Bothered, So... You're Welcome!" Gus Explained.

"B-But... "Get Carried Away"?" Cooper Asked, Confused.

""Hate To Be Bothered"? What Does That Mean? We Really Want To Help." Branch Said.

"Don't Take It So Hard, Guys. Everyone Just Knows How You Are. You're Not Exactly Known As A Troll Who Doesn't Know When To Stop Being A Clown For A Minute. As For You, Branch, You Weren't Exactly Known As A Troll Who Was Eager To Lend A Hand." Z Explained.

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