A New Bergen-ing

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"When Z And I Decided To Take The Other Trolls Leaders To Meet The Bergens, Z Thought It Was A Good Idea To Tell The Leaders About Our Past Enemy Ship. But Of Course, She Was Right About Telling Them. Being A Leader Means Trusting Our Allies, Even When They Want You To Do Some Pretty Unexpected Things. The Visit Turned Out To Be A Success And Our Friendship Circle Has Expanded."

"Thanks  For The Lengthy Recap, Poppy. But We Were All There, Remember?" Barb Asked.

Poppy Was Telling The Story To The Other Leaders With Branch And Z.

"You As Well Get Used To It. She Has A Thing With Recaps." Branch Stated.

Barb Looked At Z To See If That's True.

"It's True. Poppy Has Always Had A Thing With Recaps." Z Said.

"It's True That The Visit Turned Out Okay, But What Does That Have To Do With This Meeting?" Quincy Asked.

"Dad, This Is Poppy. Something Tells Me That She Has A Plan." Z Said. 

"I Do. You've All Met The Bergens And I Think Now Is The Time For Your People To Get To Know Them, Too. Which Is Why I Asked You All Here. I Think We Should Invite The Bergens Over For A Party With Every Troll In Trollstopia."

Everyone Looked At Each Other, Concerned.

"Poppy, I'm Not Saying That's A Terrible Idea. But, Are You Sure That's A Good Idea?" Z Asked.

"I Kinda Agree With Z On This One, Poppy." Prince D Said.

"Yeah, I Don't Know, Poppy. I've Told My Country Trolls About Them And They Were A Little Shaken Up About The 'Eating Trolls' Thing." Delta Said.

"It's The Same With My Classical Trolls." Trollzart Added.

"Did Everyone In Vibe City Freaked Out When You Told Them About Me 'Almost Getting Killed' Thing?" Z Asked.

"They Freaked Out. So Bad That It Gave The Funk Kids Nightmares For A Week." Essence Stated.

"Yeah, Poppy. The Other Trolls May Not Be Ready To Meet The Bergens Just Yet." Branch Said.

"Hey, I Trust Them, You Trust Them. I Think That Since The Leaders Of Trollstopia And Peacekeeper Of All Music Trust The Bergens, We Might Be Able To Use That To Get Your Followers To Least Give It A Shot." Poppy Explained.

"Well, I Still Trust You, Poppy, And I Suppose It May Help My People Learn To Love Others Besides Trolls. So...I Think We Should Give This Party A Shot.

Pretty Soon, The Other Leaders Agreed.

Poppy Told Them Thank You For Making This Meeting A Success And Once They Left To Go Home, She Started Making Invitations For The Bergens.


In Volcano Rock City, Barb Made An Annoucement,"For Our Next Party With The Pop Trolls, We Decided It Was Time For Every Troll In Trollstopia To Meet The Bergens."

"The Bergens? The Creatures That Used To Eat Pop Trolls?" Riff Asked, Scared.

Every Hard Rock Troll Got A Little Shaken Up.

Barb Then Continued, "Look, I Know This Will Be Probably A Little Scary Since They Did Have A Hungry And Scary Past With Pop Trolls, But If You Think About It, Our Past With The Other Trolls Wasn't So Great Either. But, If You Hadn't Given Us A Second Chance, We Wouldn't Be A Untied Kingdom Today..."


In Vibe City, The Funk Family Made Their Speech.

"...We Will Admit That When We Heard Your Princess Almost Killed By One, It Scared Us. But, Queen Poppy And Our Daughter Is AGreat Leader And Peacekeeper And They Have Known These Bergens Longer Than Any Of Us Have, So We Have To Trust Them On This One..."

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