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Harry wondered through the halls aimlessly, Draco was refusing to speak to him and all his friends were mad at him. Ginny had tried to explain to them and he had begged them to listen but they wouldn't. That picture was a long time ago, when Harry and Ginny were together in year 6 and he wanted so desperately for people to see.

His heart clenched and he could feel tears budding, he missed Draco so much and it was becoming almost entirely apparent that he'd lost him forever. Harry continued to trudge, gloomily through the halls settling on sitting in the courtyard.

As he neared, he heard laughter and saw all of his friends huddled round together laughing, his stomach erupted into anxious and jealous butterflies and he turned away, walking back towards the dorms. The tears once hidden behind his lids escaped quickly onto his cheeks and he furiously wiped them away, walking faster towards the rooms.

Suddenly, Harry felt cold. The corridor got darker and the candles blew out. Looking around frantically, Harry stumbled backwards his head beginning to ache as he ran forward, attempting to get away from whatever it was.

Harry slammed into a figure, losing his footing and falling backwards. He grabbed his wand quickly but the figure reacted first,
"Incarcurus" and with that warning, Harry was bound in ropes, struggling to breathe as they restricted his chest and throat. He writhed in fear and panic until he passed out from the restraint.

Harry awoke with a start. His head was thumping, he closed his eyes tightly and groaned. Upon opening them he noticed something, he'd been here before, he looked down to see he was chained to the floor, his leg caught in shackles and his arms bound with rope. Harry's head was racing, he looked feverishly around the room, begging for an indication to where he was.

If struck him, the dark, desperate looking room was the Malfoy Dungeon. Harry shuddered, he remembered seeing Lucius' escape from Azkaban. Harry hoped that Narcissa would find him, save him. He was worried that she'd side with Lucius, but seeing her recently he laughed at his own thoughts.

"Hello?" Harry called, hoping Narcissa was home or that Lucius himself may come and told him why he was locked up here.

"Is anyone there?" He shouted. Nothing. "Please, anyone?"

Finally, Harry heard large footsteps down the hard, stone stairwell and the click clack of a cane following. He sat up straight, he needed answers.

"Ah. Mr Potter, you're awake" he spoke, walking steadily towards Harry "it's been a while."

Harry sneered, "what do you want from me?"

"I want to finish what the dark Lord started, my boy and the best part is, no one even knows you're missing" he laughed, "no one cares, Potter."

Harry felt a pang in his heart at the words, he wanted to believe that wasn't true but all his "friends" were avoiding him, no one wanted to talk to him and he was alone. Draco wouldn't care, to him He'd hurt him so badly but it was all lies, just a hateful way to pull him away.

"You're right, Malfoy, no one would" Harry sighed "do whatever you want, it's not worth being alive"

Lucius howled with laughter, "I see Orion was true to his word, then?" At this, Harry eyes shot up and he looked into Lucius' cold grey eyes.

"You! You planted that picture didnt you?" Harry seethed, his neck burning with rage.

"Well, technically Orion did, but I did supply the picture" he said and chortled arrogantly.

"You're a truly awful human being, do you know how you've hurt your son? Your own flesh and blood?" Harry spoke, calmly but the hatred pricked the hairs on his head and bubbled in his chest.

Lucius merely looked away, "Draco is confused, he isn't a faggot."

Seeing this as an opportunity to rile him up Harry smirked, "oh really? He seemed pretty faggot-like with his pretty little lips wrapped round my c—"

"Crucio" Lucius roared sending a seething pain through his abdomen, his ears rang with pain and his head felt as if it were splitting. He cried in agony as Lucius continued his torture.

He released him, lowering his wand. Harry lay in the foetal position clutching his body, but despite it all, it was worth to see the look on Lucius' face.

" You w-won't get away with th-this" Harry stammered through the pain, staring up at Lucius.

"Oh yes I will" be countered, he walked towards Harry and separated his hands from their binds, "there's a toilet there, use it, I don't feel like cleaning up the filth down here after I kill you."

Harry rubbed his wrists gently and got up, he looked around and the painful memories of the year before came tumbling into his mind, poor innocent Dobby, Luna, Bellatrix torturing Hermione, her distressed screams that echoed through the manor. He sighed. This was his home now, until Lucius decided it was time to kill him.

Lucius stalked out of the dungeon, locked the door and disappeared upstairs. Harry let out a breathe, he looked down at the shackle around his ankle and groaned indignantly. 'This will be fun' he thought.

12pm//Gryffindor common room

"Maybe we're being too hard on him, Ronald. We won't even let him explain, Ginny did say it was an old photograph" Hermione spoke in hushed tones with Ron in the common room, "maybe be we owe it to him to listen, it's Harry for gods sake" she finished.

"Maybe, Mione, I don't believe Harry could do something like that and Ginny wouldn't lie to me" he sighed, "I'll go and get him and we can all talk."

Ron started for the stars, he trudged tiredly into their dorm.

"Harry, mate?" He called, knocking. When there was no reply he pushed open the door and stepped in, it was dark and empty. Ron switched on the light, his heart beginning to beat a little faster as he searched the room "Harry? Are you in the bathroom?" Ron opened the door and it was empty, panic rising in his chest he headed for the common room.

"Mione, Harry isn't in the room" he whispered, and Hermione stood up quickly.

"Where could he be? Maybe he just went for a walk, you know Harry" she tried to stay calm.

"But we've been here since after dinner and no one has left this room" he countered, anxiety rising in his throat "Come to think of it, he wasn't at dinner."

"Oh Ronald, what have we all done? We've pushed him away" she cried, softly.

"Mione, the best we can do is get some rest and hope he comes back in the morning. If not, we tell McGonagall" he reasoned, rubbing her arms gently as she nodded.

The pair solemnly went to bed, praying for Harry's safety. Neither got a wink of sleep that night.

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