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Monday 1st December - Day 1 of the Plan
Harry woke suddenly to the sound of an owl tapping on his dorm room window rat-a-tat. Wringing his eyes shut tightly, he lugged himself out of his bed and trudged toward his large window. Opening it, he saw a beautiful and grand tawny owl with golden rings round its large eyes a small envelope in its beak. He slowly took it away and smiled his thanks at the bird.

Etched onto the front was his name in perfect calligraphy, he recognised the handwriting immediately and ripped it open. He pulled out the parchment and began to read, sitting down carefully on his bed.

Dear Harry,
Do not worry Harry, this is not what you think. I don't need to apologise again, I fear you're growing tired of that as I do it at least 500 times a day. I'll keep it short, but our story is ever far from that. It's long and complicated, confusing and ridiculous, beautiful and perfect.

I need to tell you, Harry, exactly how I feel and have felt about you since we were 14. I never realised back then, when I was hopelessly and desperately trying to get your undecided attention with my silly ploys and snarky comments instead of realising and telling you the truth right then. I acted snotty in front of my friends instead of being honest and then I tried to show off and ended up getting hurt. Do you remember that, Harry? I was so embarrassed of myself. Crying on the floor in a heap like I was a baby, did you laugh at me? I bet you did. I don't blame you though, I would have laughed too. I remember now that I had cried myself to sleep that night, I thought I was so stupid. I brushed it off, pretending I was brave and some bigger person than I really was, I was just a child. A pathetic child. I'm sorry, I know you hate it when I'm self-deprecating "you're too perfect for this, Dray" you would say, how sweet of you.

Then in fourth year, oh god, I was such a shit and I'm so sorry. Those badges "potter stinks" they weren't my idea, they weren't even meant to be sent out to everyone. It was meant to be a pathetic, school-girl prank between friends that got out of hand. I can't tell you how sorry I am, all I can say is my obsession got worse. I climbed an entire tree for you and showed myself up, all to gain your ever so occupied attention. Then I got turned into a fucking ferret, and there you have it. Don't worry, it's funny, I don't mind if you laugh. But that's besides the point, I just wanted your undivided attention as usual and ended up getting fucked over. I'm so stupid. It's all my fault. I was so terrible to you. I don't know why you ever forgave me, let alone date me.

God, I miss you.

Sorry, needed to drop that in there...

Anyway, back to it. It was fifth year. Nothing particularly exciting happened this year though I do recall you forming that club I was forced to help disbanded by pink bitch: Umbridge if you couldn't guess. I don't know whether you know this, but I wasn't intending on being in the inquisitorial squad. I was forced by my Father to join it. You see, he was in hideous amounts of trouble with other pure-blood families. People were starting to look down on him. Oh horror! My poor tormented father! You know, that's when he started being abusive. People thought he was lower than them, so he treated me as I was lower than him. Fair, right? Don't get me wrong, now that I realise it, he'd been abusing me much longer than our fifth year. Mentally and physically. It just got much harder to deal with, much harder to hide it. He was horrible. But hey! It's not about that, right now! Maybe I'll tell you one day, if you ask.

Sixth year, Merlin, that was when I really realised it, Harry. That was when I felt it in my veins, the sheer ferocity at which I felt feelings for you. It was ridiculously bad, honestly. I can't tell you how much I was feeling for you, H. I was infatuated, fully obsessed with what you. Where you were, who you were with, why you weren't with me. Obviously, I had a hard time of it that year. But honestly, H, I'd never wanted to hurt anyone. All my attempts were half-arsed. But if you doubt me, let me ask you this: would you save the lives of your family at the risk of what I had to do? Would you do what I had to in my position?

Anyway, I remember how you followed me around and how you stalked me all year, for once I had a slight inkling of hope. Yeah, I don't know why either? I guess I'm just imaginative. I don't know how you felt about me, but I felt so much for you. I thought about you all the time, creepy as it sounds, I couldn't sleep for thinking about you and it was kind of stupid.

Then, 7th year rolled around and you were off. Finding those horcruxes. I was worried, you know? So worried. Terrified, even. I wanted you to be okay. I had literal nightmares that you'd never return. That monster was in my home, you know? I was up all night, him downstairs clouded my mind and mix that with the fact that you had gone searching with only Granger and Weasley. I missed you. I was scared and I missed you. I missed you terribly, H. I was so thrilled when I saw you, I couldn't give you in, not when every time I closed my eyes I saw you standing there or lying there. I just saw YOU. I decided in that moment, if we made it out of this thing alive, I had to say sorry. I had to be your friend even if I could not be your lover.

Thank you for saving my life, Harry. Twice. Thank you for deafeating the dark Lord. Thank you for coming back here and showing me what it means to be cared for and wanted. I'm sorry I screwed it up. I'm sorry I did all that to hurt you. I'm sorry I made you feel like I didn't care, because I really really do. This was for you, Harry. I hope it helps.

Thank you for reading.

I miss you,

Draco Malfoy x

Harry was blushing bright pink, his eyes were watery and his ears tinged pink, much like they were previously when Draco had sent him the roses. He thought back to all the instances and realised that maybe those feelings were a little bit reciprocated. He couldn't deny though, Draco's grabs for attention came across very hostile and at time he was just an annoying git. An annoying git that was incredibly gorgeous, none the less.

Harry folded up the parchment and put it in the keep-sale box with the note from before. Draco was very much earning his way to bring back with Harry, if he carried on like this he'd have him in no time. Harry was tempted to run to him now, but he knew that this would be giving it up too easy and Harry wasn't going to do that.

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