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Harry blinked his eyes open, the blinding light of the hospital wing made him flinch. He sat up slowly and rubbed the tired out of his eyes, when he opened them he noticed to fingers on the bottom of his bed.

"Oh," he whispered "it's you guys." He looked towards the door, to avoid eye contact. He felt his heart leap into his throat, anxiety bubbling in his stomach. Would they raise their voices? He didn't know why he cared. He didn't know if he trusted them yet. They broke him. They really hurt him and now they're here, sitting on the bottom of his hospital bed.

"Mrs Pomfrey said we could co—" Hermione was cut off by Harry raising a hand to her face to stop her from talking.

"Why are you here?" He asked, he could not disguise the hurt and anger in his voice, he failed to understand why they wouldn't trust him. They never asked. Never bothered to listen.

"Harry, mate, we're really sorry. We should have listened, we were all worried about you." Ron spoke up, he looked into Harry's eyes and noticed a flicker of forgiveness before it was washed away by returning anger.

"Ron, you are supposed to be my best friend. You left me for people who you barely knew, all because of a picture" he started, "me and Ginny tried to tell you all, you wouldn't have it and I ended up being kidnapped, alone and scared"

The rise in his voice startled Hermione, but the word kidnapped took her aback,

"I'm sorry, what? Kidnapped?" She said, the worry clearly evident behind her words "by who?"

"Weren't you told? Lucius Malfoy somehow managed to get into the supposed safest, most secure school in the word and kidnapped me, taking me to Malfoy Manor all on the basis to finish what Voldemort started" Harry was bitter, it dripped from his words, he laughed quietly and shook his head "where were you, eh? Having your little tea party in the courtyard without me"

Harry closed his eyes at the last remark. His head was ringing from the sheer lack of water and food and all the anger fighting for dominance in his head. He locked it away and replaced it with an unbothered attitude.

"Look, you are my friends. And I will forgive you eventually, but it will take time. My head is banging and my heart aches" he breathed, "you guys need to really work on how you test your friends because I had a lot of time to think in that godforsaken shit-tip and I've realised how all of the things I've sacrificed and all the things I've done have gone unappreciated way too long now. I blame myself, over and over for the deaths of the people in the wizarding war. So many people. Someone I considered the closest I'd get to a farther after Sirius died. Fred. Severus. Nymphodora. And it's not going to be that way anymore. I saved so many lives too. But what thanks do I get, Ron?" He looked straight into Ron's eyes at that, then across to Hermione "Hermione?" They shook their heads and looked down at their hands.

"We love you Harry, okay? We appreciate you and we're all so incredibly sorry" Hermione whispered, "we'll leave you alone now."

With that, the pair stood up and left the hospital wing. Harry closed his eyes once again and sighed a deep, harrowed breathe. He knew that he would forgive them, but it wouldn't happen over night. He just hoped Draco didn't turn up, he might cry.

"Harry..." Ginny spoke softly as she saw him laying, his eyes dark with circles and his hair messy and sticky. He opened his eyes slowly and sent a slight smile to her.

"Hey, Gin" he replied. She grabbed his hand and sat on the edge of the bed, stroking comforting circles on his knuckles.

"They really were worried about you, you know?" She said, Harry sighed softly "okay, okay, I won't say anything. How are you feeling?"

"Like shit" he laughed.

"You look it too," they both grinned at each other "I was so worried Harry... do you want to talk about it?"

"Lucius Malfoy kidnapped me, Gin," he shook his head and laughed softly "I thought we were through with this, it'll never be over though. Not for me."

"What happened?"

"He called Draco a... a fag..." he spat the last word out, it being on his lips made him seethe with rage "how could anyone be so cruel? He doesn't deserve that" Ginny smiled softly.

"You love that boy" she laughed, "you shouldn't be too hard on him, he's been beating himself up and making himself feel worse than you ever could."

"I just want them to all realise that it was unfair and cruel. It's going to just take some time for me to move on, but I will"

"I know. McGonagall was worried about you, you know?"

"Oh yeah?"

"She even spoke to Dumbledore, I heard"

Harry's heart warmed and he smiled happily, the thought of her being so hung up over him being missing effected him. It was these odd things that reminded him that people cared.

"And you?" He asked, "did you miss me?"

"You? Harry Potter?" She held her heart on her head feigning a swoon, "how could my poor, restless heart live on without you?"

They laughed together, the sound was musical and the first time Harry had truly laughed in a while. He loved their friendship and wouldn't switch it for the world, she had been there for him through this all and though he loved all of his friend, this close bond he shared with Ginerva Weasley was one he could never replace.m, one he would never want to replace.

"I love you, Gin" he said, squeezing her hand "you're my best friend and I love you"

"Though I wish that was in another way, I know that you and Draco are good together and for each other. I won't get in between that, but just know, I love you too"

"Ugh," he groaned in first ration "what am I even going to do about Draco? Like I said, I don't want to forgive straight away but I already miss him like mad"

"Harry, just take your time. Make them all work for it, but him in particular" she looked deep into his eyes "make him do some over-the-top romantic gesture that you're always finding yourself doing. Make him stand on a table in the great hall and declare his live for you. Make him follow you around showering you with red rose petals and singing love songs to him. Make him buy you the presents, give you the hugs, make you feel warm. It's about time he made you feel like the amazing, gorgeous man you are"

"Aw Gin, you think I'm gorgeous?" He laughed.

"That better not be the only thing you took from that!" She shouted, feigning anger she slapped her hand lightly on Harry's arm.

"Seriously," he began, taking both of Ginny hands in his "thank you so much, for everything. I'll take your advice. Now, go. I'm tired to death"

"Goodbye Harry," she kissed him gently on the temple "see you soon."

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