Late Nights

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A/N: This takes place before Light gets his memories back of the Death Note, so around the Yotsuba Arc of the anime/manga.

Light Yagami had been starting to get close with L. In a weird way he had some sort of attachment to him and he wasn't sure why.

Since they've been chained together, Light gradually started to enjoy having having the detective around. It's hard not to get attached to someone when you spend every waking and resting hour with them.

There were still times where he wanted nothing more to snap the chain between them then proceed to wrap it around L's pale neck, thus ending his life.
Light wasn't an idiot obviously. That was like asking for him to get caught by the rest of the Task Force.

Currently, L and Light were sitting at their desks still gathering information on the Kira case at some unruly hour of the night.

The detective was perched on his chair in his usual crouching position, playing his favourite game of "How Many Sugar Cubes Can I Shove In My Mouth Before I Choke On Them?"
Over multiple weeks and late nights, Light had come to the conclusion the answer was 12 and a half.

Light on the other hand had grown weary and exhausted from overworking himself. He couldn't keep pulling all nighters with L every night. It was starting to affect his ability to think clearly and he couldn't take it anymore.

The teen groaned internally and smashed his head onto the keyboard. After about a minute, he looked up at his screen and looked at the document he was using to type his notes on. He managed to type out "jsdkdjnfxmxk"

"Is there something wrong Light-Kun?" L asked, not
taking his gaze off the monitor in front of him.

"Ryuzaki, don't you think it's time we take a break for the night? I can't pull another all-nighter, it's really starting to mess with my head."

L finally took his attention away from the case and look a peek at the boy sitting next to him. Light was slouched over his desk, not even reading the files that were being shown through them. Just scrolling through them quickly without retaining information.

"I suppose a break could do us both some good," L replied, his voice lacking any hint of emotion. "I admit it's rather selfish of me to force you to work this late. It's clearly a waste of time because you are not doing anything productive when you're sleep deprived."

L stood up from his chair, defaulting to his dreadful posture. The elder of the two tugged the chain of the handcuffs, causing it to rattle loudly, successfully gaining Light's attention.

"Let's go Light-Kun."
Light didn't say anything in response, he just trailed behind L like a lost puppy, until they finally got up to their shared bedroom.

Light was more than ecstatic to finally have the chance to catch some much needed shut eye. The weight of the blankets wrapped around him was comforting. He let his eyes flutter shut and rolled over onto his side.

Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click

The younger boy tried his absolute hardest to block out the annoying sounds coming from Ryuzaki, who decided to continue working tonight.
Usually he would wait until he was asleep to begin working because Light was very open about how he couldn't stand the typing sounds. 

He rolled over onto his back and pulled the pillow overtop of head, smushing his face into it. This was an attempt to block out the illuminating light from L's laptop. Light was was hoping it would block out some of the sound too.
Although it helped a little, it wasn't significant enough for him to be able to fall asleep comfortably.

"Can you fucking stop that?!" Light snapped, taking L by surprise. He was usually so calm and collected. It was rare and unusual for him to lose his temper, especially so quickly. "You know I can't sleep like this, Ryuzaki."

L looked Light dead in the eyes, before continuing to type out another sentence on his laptop. It was a deliberate attempt to taunt him. Light took his pillow and threw it at L, hitting him square in the face.

"That wasn't very kind of you Light-Kun." L mumbled, shooting the teen a cold glare as couple strands of hair fell in front of eyes. "15%."

"Shut the fuck up. Why can't you just try and get some sleep as well? You probably need it more
than I do." Light hissed, growing more agitated by the second. "God knows how long it's been since you last slept."

"It's been exactly 96 hours, 19 minutes and 28 seconds." L placed his finger on the corner of his lip and nibbled on his thumbnail. "Why does Light-Kun seem so concerned about my sleeping habits? Perhaps he's planning something?.."

"You're absolutely ridiculous. Can't you at least try to get some sleep?"

"I don't think I will be able to, but I guess it never hurts to try. Besides, I can't pester you that way.."

"L, I have a question and you don't have to answer it obviously. But, why don't you sleep?"

"Well.. firstly, it's Ryuzaki. Secondly, it's not that I want to deprive myself of sleep, I just find that instead of sleeping I could be productive by working,"

L paused for a second, almost unsure why he was revealing this information to Light.

"Animals and human beings are also in their most vulnerable position when you sleep and I am not different from them. I am
putting myself in a place that makes it easier to.." L didn't finish his sentence. Instead he opted for gliding his fingers across his neck, representing the throat cutting gesture.

The detective had no doubt in his mind that Light Yagami was or at least to be Kira. Despite knowing that, L was beginning to have a bit more trust in him. He wasn't lying when he said he thought of Light as a friend. It might've appeared to be a test or just meaningless words being thrown out, but they held some truth to them.

L shoved his laptop underneath the bed and finally ditched his usual crouched position, laying down on his back next to Light.
The two boys laid in quiet for a while, alone in the darkness. While Light was in the half-awake, half-asleep state, L broke the silence.


"What is it Ryuzaki?"

"I don't want to believe you are Kira." L paused once again. "The truth is I enjoy your companionship and it's been a pleasure to work with you."

"I'm glad to hear that.." Light mumbled, letting out a small yawn after he finished speaking.

L opened his mouth to say more, but decided against it rather quickly. Light looked too tired to continue a conversation and he already told him he was exhausted.

"Goodnight Light-Kun."

No response. L glanced over at the teen who was already completed passed out. L smiled softly to himself, before rolling over and letting himself succumb to sleep.

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