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The blinding sunlight peered in through the windows, beginning to illuminate the otherwise dark room.

Light rolled around underneath the sheeted in attempt to get cozy again, but the bright light from the window was starting to bother him. He let his eyes flutter open, letting out a small yawn as he did so.

On his right, L was perched in his usual crouched position, typing away on his laptop only using his two index fingers. A cherry flavoured lollipop dangling from the corner of his mouth.

Upon seeing the detective, memories from late last night began flooding back to him. L appeared to be back to his usual lifeless self.  Nothing like the vulnerable, trembling version he interacted with a mere hours prior.

"Good morning, Light-Kun." L greeted, his voice was was monotone as always.

"You actually let me sleep in this morning? That's not like you at all.."

Light had grown accustomed to waking up at the crack of dawn almost every single morning. Often resulting in him getting very little to sleep. It was very rare L would let him sleep in later than 6:00 and today seemed to be one of those days.

"It was the least I could do. I did disrupt your sleep after all." L replied with a small shrug, his eyes still fixated on his computer screen.

After a couple of minutes filled with awkward silence, the sweet toothed detective forced Light downstairs to begin working on the investigation.

Light wanted to bring up the events from last night. Badly. It seemed to be the only thing on his mind at the moment. He couldn't help but notice L had seemed slightly off today.

On the surface, everything appeared to be normal.
L was sitting in his unusual position in front of his computer, nibbling away at his thumbnail. But he seemed rather distracted and out of it. It felt like he was on another planet, lost somewhere in outer space. Physically he was there, but just like Light, his mind was in other places.

Light wasn't an idiot. Clearly there was something bothering L.  He was still uncertain if it was because of the nightmare he had or because of the events that happened after. That's the only reason why he could think of for his strange behaviour.

He wasn't going to pressure L into opening up about what was troubling him. In L's eyes, it would only make him look even more suspicious. Besides, he probably didn't want to discuss it anyway.
Light concluded that L probably couldn't handle someone finally seeing through his emotionless and cold persona. Therefore, he was going to pretend like it never happened. The tension between them was becoming unbearable.

Pushing those thoughts aside, he forced himself to work on analyzing the data in front of him. Nothing too exciting had been happening lately. They hadn't had any new leads or evidence in days now. Light was hopelessly looking over old data that only seemed to take him to dead ends.

Eventually, he stumbled across something that seemed like it might push the investigation forwards.  He noticed recently Japanese businessman had been dying off rapidly from heart attacks. More notably they were the CEOS of their respected companies. Because of this, their had been a plummet in the stock market. The only exception being Yotsuba. If anything it looked like the deaths were benefiting them. Based on this, Light was able to come to the conclusion Kira was supporting Yotsuba.

Light was able to rule out any possibilities these were just simply coincidences and decided his information was worth of sharing with the task force. With that new information presented,  Soichiro was later able to find out all the deaths were most prominent around the weekends. The ones that seemed to be the most useful to Yotsuba anyway.

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